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What's Trending...(online)

Lots of Robot videos out there...pretty amazing how they are progressing!

This wheeled one is cool:

This has a lot of different robots (but the idiot talking while recording is a little annoying):
What the hell??

The power of an outboard jet.

I don't know abou trending as this video is a year old but I just saw it on the tv show Outrageous Acts of Science.

Came across this the other day....these guys are nuts!!!! But it looked like fun while it lasted!

That's one way to catch a wave. . . . . .
Kinda old, but a classic!!!

Wow! No further comment.
I am very glad she made it 100% clear, right from the start when this horrible encounter occurred: "Monday"

LMAO... wow.
I got an extra laugh out of her "violating my civil rights statement" but i the end agree with the mcdonalds employee in that she didnt need an extra mcrib, she may be more successul suing mcdonalds for Fing her up in the first place.
NOTED: "Stay away from Dorset McD's, not the other ones, I like the other ones"
@Julian consider relaxing the “nothing political” constraint for at least one day ... my “trending” search history can now be classified as keeping up with the news ... “Stormy Daniels”, “Porn” ... “shithole”