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Its more than just social media. Its the norm for me to be watching a movie or show and see something just to search my phone about more info on it. Which makes us want to explore more corners of this planet.
Horseshoe Bend only existed in books or magazines many years ago.

So now you can search a song from just a few bars, search if that spider is poisonous, check consumer reviews on an item, etc...

When i was young you didn't learn about places, people, or things unless you went to the library. ( do libraries still exist?)lol

The problem with social media for research info, there is a lot of junk and false info out there that people believe.

My 25 year old daughter believes just about everything she reads on the internet
Its more than just social media. Its the norm for me to be watching a movie or show and see something just to search my phone about more info on it. Which makes us want to explore more corners of this planet.
Horseshoe Bend only existed in books or magazines many years ago.

So now you can search a song from just a few bars, search if that spider is poisonous, check consumer reviews on an item, etc...

When i was young you didn't learn about places, people, or things unless you went to the library. ( do libraries still exist?)lol

The problem with social media for research info, there is a lot of junk and false info out there that people believe.

My 25 year old daughter believes just about everything she reads on the internet
Yeah....social media sure helps, but the ease with which we can find out pretty much anything is the root cause. Sure makes being a tourist much easier though!
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I watched this just waiting for the splash. That put a new meaning to the term "water sports", when you are the lure... WOW!

I watched this just waiting for the splash. That put a new meaning to the term "water sports", when you are the lure... WOW!

Wow. My first thought was: "@Bruce is taking it a bit too far..." but then I noticed the outboard, so that could not be his 230...

Feb 15th


Hey @swatski as a Father of three daughters I'm kinda surprised you'd throw this kind of crap out there??? When your daughter is crying because she found out she's a "side chic" you might recalibrate that humor compass... just saying. I got 2 daughters so been there dude.
Hey @swatski as a Father of three daughters I'm kinda surprised you'd throw this kind of crap out there??? When your daughter is crying because she found out she's a "side chic" you might recalibrate that humor compass... just saying. I got 2 daughters so been there dude.
Certainly no offense meant!
I guess, didn't really think it through... I hear "thank you, next" too many times a day
(Speak of jinxing yourself!)

Well, when you right you right!
