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This came across my Facebook newsfeed this morning from the Great White North. Pretty funny.

I love the whisper "I got it on camera"....
This is too funny. Watch to the end.

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This is too funny. Watch to the end.

That has to be the most soccer I've ever watched non-stop.
If the games were that entertaining I'd be a fan. Thanks for sharing @zipper
Crazy ass dude on a Lime Scooter in morning traffic on I-35 in Dallas! Darwin Candidate!

@Julian what is strange about it? They are drunk and probably high, because they started b-day celebrations before making the trek. Well I guess the wrong strain of pot (or the confluence of other meds in their blood stream) could have made them paranoid and this might carry over to worries about their boat sinking.
BMW Vision Next 100....wild looking car!

Agreed, but it would not last long on most Vermont roads with all the frostheaves and potholes unless the skirting moves with the suspension travel. Pretty cool concept though, can it tow a boat? ;)