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Check these out. Pretty kool idea...

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Man, I can't remember if I first saw this video here or somewhere else. I looked back in the thread a few pages and did not see it so I thought I would post it. If someone on here posted it somewhere else and I duplicated it, sorry. It's funny as hell though. Love this guy

Man, I can't remember if I first saw this video here or somewhere else. I looked back in the thread a few pages and did not see it so I thought I would post it. If someone on here posted it somewhere else and I duplicated it, sorry. It's funny as hell though. Love this guy

it's in an odd place, I posted it for you in the coronavirus thread when I was casting aspersions about your manhood and your Old Fashioned intake ?
it's in an odd place, I posted it for you in the coronavirus thread when I was casting aspersions about your manhood and your Old Fashioned intake ?
Dang it!!!! That's right! Whelp, it's funny enough to deserve 2 spots on this site in my opinion!
Dang it!!!! That's right! Whelp, it's funny enough to deserve 2 spots on this site in my opinion!

I've always heard it said that the mind is the second thing to go.
So I have been reading this thread daily and most days many times. Up here in Maine we are at just over 100 confirmed cases and the most are in the county I live in. Our schools have been closed until after April vacation and the rumor is they will be shut down for the rest of the school year. My wife works in healthcare and has seen first hand the chaos in the medical field. They truly are on the frontlines of this and deserve all the praise and credit we can bestow upon them. I’m employed by Siemens and today received a letter declaring us essential personnel in the event of a state wide shut down. Our bulk warehouses (sams,BJ’s) easy on that one gents. lol. And our grocery stores are seeing similar shortages as the rest and no need to recap that. I often don’t care to post articles one way or another and if this one may have been posted earlier I apologize however I did find it topical as I myself experienced these symptoms back in February. Went to my PCP and tested negative for the flu. Friends of ours also had this run through there house in a similar time frame and we agreed that maybe this holds some water. Again not trying to say one way or the other but just interested in sharing info and hearing what my internet friends here have to say.

So I have been reading this thread daily and most days many times. Up here in Maine we are at just over 100 confirmed cases and the most are in the county I live in. Our schools have been closed until after April vacation and the rumor is they will be shut down for the rest of the school year. My wife works in healthcare and has seen first hand the chaos in the medical field. They truly are on the frontlines of this and deserve all the praise and credit we can bestow upon them. I’m employed by Siemens and today received a letter declaring us essential personnel in the event of a state wide shut down. Our bulk warehouses (sams,BJ’s) easy on that one gents. lol. And our grocery stores are seeing similar shortages as the rest and no need to recap that. I often don’t care to post articles one way or another and if this one may have been posted earlier I apologize however I did find it topical as I myself experienced these symptoms back in February. Went to my PCP and tested negative for the flu. Friends of ours also had this run through there house in a similar time frame and we agreed that maybe this holds some water. Again not trying to say one way or the other but just interested in sharing info and hearing what my internet friends here have to say.

Posted in the wrong thread sorry admins! Kids were all over me while writing this!
Electric wakeboarding boat.
Is anybody here busting moves like this behind any boat?