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Uhmm... wow! I couldn't imagine what that scene is like. I don't even know what to say... prayers for those effected. Tragic.
Uhmm... wow! I couldn't imagine what that scene is like. I don't even know what to say... prayers for those effected. Tragic.

Ditto. Ugly and scary. From looks of things, looks like they had a previous explosion or fire or other dispersal event that spread some type of reactant (likely a gas, but could have been a powder) and then something ignited it. The video shows very efficient dynamics to the detonation... that was POWERFUL. Unfortunately, there will be many hundreds of dead and badly injured from such an explosion in a populated area.

Reminds me of the big industrial (although some believe it was munitions) explosion in Tianjin, China a few years back. Will look up and edit to add a link to that one.

Edited to add:
and 2015 Tianjin explosions - Wikipedia - worthy noting, many do not believe the official account and counts of dead and injured. Reader/viewer be the judge of that.
If you haven't watched "The Social Dilema" on Netflix you need to. It's eye opening. It's what we all know deep down, but hearing it from the guys that developed this crap is very sobering. I for one am not a big social media guy. Deleted my FB account about a year and half after it came out. No Twitter, no instagram or anything else. If you are a parent and raising kids right now I truly sympathize for the dilema you are in. I can't even imagine. My kids were right on the cusp of smart phones and social media. I still preach to them even though they are 20 and 21.
If you haven't watched "The Social Dilema" on Netflix you need to. It's eye opening. It's what we all know deep down, but hearing it from the guys that developed this crap is very sobering. I for one am not a big social media guy. Deleted my FB account about a year and half after it came out. No Twitter, no instagram or anything else. If you are a parent and raising kids right now I truly sympathize for the dilema you are in. I can't even imagine. My kids were right on the cusp of smart phones and social media. I still preach to them even though they are 20 and 21.
There was a great piece on 60 minutes a year two ago talking about how Social Media is intentionally addictive, and how some people working for these companies have questioned whether or not they SHOULD be making these systems addictive. Of course mgmt ignored them because they WANT addicted members.

So I'm not the pot calling the kettle black....this site (and the software that runs it) is also intentionally addictive.....not anywhere near as much as FB and the rest, but it has some aspects of it.

FB, for example, realized that there is a number of notifications that triggers someone to open the app/page to see who did what to notice them. Rather than slowly upreving the counts of notices, they hold back the notices and flood them together (or close together). This gets people to look....and back in. Fascinating stuff....

There was a great piece on 60 minutes a year two ago talking about how Social Media is intentionally addictive, and how some people working for these companies have questioned whether or not they SHOULD be making these systems addictive. Of course mgmt ignored them because they WANT addicted members.

So I'm not the pot calling the kettle black....this site (and the software that runs it) is also intentionally addictive.....not anywhere near as much as FB and the rest, but it has some aspects of it.

FB, for example, realized that there is a number of notifications that triggers someone to open the app/page to see who did what to notice them. Rather than slowly upreving the counts of notices, they hold back the notices and flood them together (or close together). This gets people to look....and back in. Fascinating stuff....

I hear ya. I do my fair of skulking on this site, but that is because I can recognize the knowledge and the overall intelligence of the people that post on this site.

In my opinion if we don't change how social media manipulates our society, we will be in a civil war. I hate to say it but I feel like it will be in my lifetime, and I am 48 years old. That scares the absolute shit out of me personally.

The best thing that people can do at this point is delete all the social media they are using. Don't let the Google's, the FB's, and the Instagram's of the world control your lives and how you think. Make your phone a tool again. Make it work for you. Google Maps, Uber, Lyft, these are tools to help us. Always be cognizant of the AI trying to garner your attention to sell you something.

Now go buy a Yamaha 275.....LOL, just kidding.
Again, I don’t know if this is trending but thought some of you may find this story about the recent recovery of a man who drowned a month ago interesting and / or informative.

I don't know this can be called "trending" as it is more of a "doctors' doctor" talk, still pretty informative, and good for providing some broader perspective, in general; the talk starts around 8-9min after some introductory comments.

BTW - I used to attend and occasionally participate in various lecture series in that institution; it is so incredibly odd to see a major named lecture held in a small room with like 4 people in attendance,... those typically are held in large auditoriums for 800+ attendees. Strange times.
I don't know if it is trending, but it was interesting.
I don't know if it is trending, but it was interesting.
I had a customer that was involved in some of the repairs on one of those a couple years ago & I had heard they were a complete disaster. I still can’t fathom retiring a 7 year old ship. We (US taxpayers) should be getting a refund!
Here's our big guy

And with my son's Pug
For all you wrestling fans


Loved this movie
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