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Since the post says the dock was damaged.....we aren't going to hear anyone on here fess up to that pathetic display of driving!Ok, Who is responsible for this? They are also responsible for the illegal riding on the swim platform. Happened 6/20/21 near Savannah.
Check out this attempted armored car heist. I would definitely want the driver on my team, the other guy not so much.
Notice reckless driving with passengers on swim platform what an idiotOk, Who is responsible for this? They are also responsible for the illegal riding on the swim platform. Happened 6/20/21 near Savannah.
What the hell...? Distracted, drunk...? Definitely incompetent!Ok, Who is responsible for this? They are also responsible for the illegal riding on the swim platform. Happened 6/20/21 near Savannah.
Since the post says the dock was damaged.....we aren't going to hear anyone on here fess up to that pathetic display of driving!
Im going with pilot error even if he had naked girls on the swim deck. I wonder if the boat is a rental?Since the post says the dock was damaged.....we aren't going to hear anyone on here fess up to that pathetic display of driving!
Love the message! It took me 40 minutes to break myself from the TikTok time-suck... ?TikTok - Make Your Day