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Probably not trending anymore as this is a few days old but still has me shaking my head in disbelief that this group, especially the adults, didn’t know better. No one read and heeded the warning signs, told anyone outside the group about their float plan, had a way to call for help. How many of them had life vests on? Just another tragic lose of life that could have been easily avoided.

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Check out this attempted armored car heist. I would definitely want the driver on my team, the other guy not so much.

Saw this when it came out and FOR sure that driver has his shit together, like a pro possibly retired LEO? Passenger shit has pants 3x!
Since the post says the dock was damaged.....we aren't going to hear anyone on here fess up to that pathetic display of driving!

I agree, it was worth a try. Maybe guilt for damaging the boat has set in since, but likely not. They may come here looking for DIY advise.
Since the post says the dock was damaged.....we aren't going to hear anyone on here fess up to that pathetic display of driving!
Im going with pilot error even if he had naked girls on the swim deck. I wonder if the boat is a rental?
Obviously the brakes went out.