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I have been holding out...took Bernie out on the Yamaha. A cool April outing on Lake Champlain last year. He wanted to wear those mittens. He is a little blurry...he would not stop shiverin.

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This one has me shaking my head in disbelief for several reasons. If anyone needs proof that life isn’t fair this is it.

This one has me shaking my head in disbelief for several reasons. If anyone needs proof that life isn’t fair this is it.

View attachment 141825
Chump change compared to this list of the top jewelry items in the world.....although it might edge its way into the #7 spot???

This one has me shaking my head in disbelief for several reasons. If anyone needs proof that life isn’t fair this is it.

@Ronnie on the plus side, while you won't have the cash to throw around like that, I give you far greater odds of living a long full life, and in my eyes, your adventures are far more appealing to 99% of the population than his...I'll just phrase it nicely..."choices".

To think, he can always accessorize by having a fight with his face and a nail gun! Gems and metal, a winni....nah, not in this case. He's likely to add an actual horseshoe somewhere on his face
He literally has a price on his head. How long before someone takes him out Thanos style? :cool:
Little snow didn't stop this guy! No wetsuit!!!

This one has me shaking my head in disbelief for several reasons. If anyone needs proof that life isn’t fair this is it.

View attachment 141825
Great idea! If he ever get's entrapped in a vehicle crash, he can use the diamond to cut the glass and escape! ?