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What's Trending...(online)

Dang! That's some "boom".
(Moral of the story: run the damned blowers!!)
This is just unreal...

Holocaust survivor, 96, is killed in Ukraine:
Germany’s Buchenwald concentration camp memorial said Friday that Boris Romanchenko -- a Holocaust survivor who was 96 years old -- has been killed in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv. Ukraine also refused to surrender Mariupol after Russian President Vladimir Putin gave an ultimatum to surrender the city by 5 a.m. Monday. | Fox News

Holocaust survivor, 96, is killed in Ukraine: LIVE UPDATES
This is just unreal...

Holocaust survivor, 96, is killed in Ukraine:
Germany’s Buchenwald concentration camp memorial said Friday that Boris Romanchenko -- a Holocaust survivor who was 96 years old -- has been killed in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv. Ukraine also refused to surrender Mariupol after Russian President Vladimir Putin gave an ultimatum to surrender the city by 5 a.m. Monday. | Fox News

Holocaust survivor, 96, is killed in Ukraine: LIVE UPDATES
Such a tragedy... I can't even wrap my head around what's going on over there and why.
I don't know if it is "trending" but I hear one of the guys on the panel is a bull-shit-ter...
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Came across this series of animations of Desert Storm, not sure how accurate they are, but it seems pretty well done. Does a good job explaining each of the friendly fire situations, but also gives a great sense of the scale of the whole operation. I do wish they'd incorporated more live footage/photos.....

My wife sent me this link last night, my son thinks it’s accurate where we are concerned.

In my defense, I haven’t broken anything Or anybody while towing / tubing, in a long time, several years or several hundred weeks.
My wife sent me this link last night, my son thinks it’s accurate where we are concerned.

In my defense, I haven’t broken anything Or anybody while towing / tubing, in a long time, several years or several hundred weeks.
Exactly. 99% of the folks that complain about spray while tubing, are driving like Mom in that video. All the action is outside the wake.
Beautiful rig for sure. Of course priced from $221K - $343K, it should be.
I didn’t even look for a price on the boat. I doubt I could justify the cost of the lift and automated cover.