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  1. Chip F.

    The Texas School Shooting

    Don’t ever give up your rights . Just listen to these people and their political pandering supported by media. Now let’s ban guns (not just any gun but the assault rifles , or does AR stand for Armalite rifle ..I’m still trying to figure that out 😄.) when a wacko goes on a rampage , let’s see...
  2. Chip F.

    Student loan forgiveness....

    Amazing how personal accountability doesn’t show up in the solution 😜 always someone else’s fault.
  3. Chip F.

    Ford Truck says trailer disconnected

    Or maybe a problem with the ground
  4. Chip F.

    Ford Truck says trailer disconnected

    I have cleaned off the hitch with a grinding wheel where the S hook connects from the break away cable and it solved these problems.
  5. Chip F.

    The Vaccine

    concerning nursing shortages: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/hospital-hits-breaking-point-after-firing-150-unvaccinated-workers/
  6. Chip F.

    The Vaccine

  7. Chip F.

    The Vaccine

    Is this true or a lie ? https://www.globalresearch.ca/statement-virus-isolation-sovi/5752738
  8. Chip F.

    The Vaccine

    Oh great, the sole arbiter of the truth has spoken 😂 Here is a classic to celebrate the edict:
  9. Chip F.

    The Vaccine

    Funny that my post linking to the article about the CDC and messing up the Florida numbers has disappeared but is still included in other’s responses to it. What’s wrong didn’t fit the pro vaccine narrative ? Thanks for proving the point not to trust anything about this plandemic...
  10. Chip F.

    The Vaccine

    Most times at Blue Marsh
  11. Chip F.

    The Vaccine

    Interesting short article: http://www.ronpaullibertyreport.com/archives/freedom-isnt-determined-by-which-big-pharma-chemicals-are-in-your-body
  12. Chip F.

    The Vaccine

    The word experimental is harmful ? I guess if it doesn’t fit the narrative your selling , I can see how you would make using a word “Harmful”. Save your word shaming for someone who believes in it. Please explain the long term effects of taking the experimental injection ? Are the results...
  13. Chip F.

    The Vaccine

    I did not say that . There are challenges to laws all the time . Let’s bring it to the current time with the COVID 19 vaccines and see what would happen with it being an experimental vaccine.
  14. Chip F.

    The Vaccine

    Understand . That’s why everyone needs to pressure their state legislators to pass law’s to counter the tyrannical overreaching.
  15. Chip F.

    The Vaccine

    If they are selling the rights of individuals to make their own decisions -I’M BUYING!
  16. Chip F.

    The Vaccine

    Another Positive Step: https://aapsonline.org/statement-in-support-of-the-right-of-all-including-medical-workers-to-decline-medical-intervention/
  17. Chip F.

    No drain tube on cupholder over batteries?

    I just added tubing and ran it into the engine compartment
  18. Chip F.

    school me on batteries, my 255xd will get barely 3 to 4hr on float

    Here is a good link to review for all type of batteries: https://batteryuniversity.com/learn/article/discharge_methods
  19. Chip F.

    About to make my first long distance tow.

    Pack the spare bearings with grease before you go and put them in a bag . Take extra grease .
  20. Chip F.

    Crooked on Trailer?

    When I go to pick my trailer up I always walk around it and check that the bunks pivot. I found a couple times that they get locked and won’t move . Just something easy to check .