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  1. D

    Boat 2007 SX210: TN : $21k

    $21,000: Great boat with no known issues. Boat shows in excellent condition, a few spots in the upholstery show wear / damage. The wear is mainly on the back seat from stepping into the cockpit area. Also a few small holes in the cushion in the lounge area that don’t impact use. The rest of...
  2. M

    2018 Ar210 slow mph

    I just got this boat and I'm reading it should be in the mid 40s at least for mph. I am only getting about 35-37mph at 7500 rpm. Both motors only have about 65 hours on them. Any thoughts on what the problem could be?
  3. M

    AR210 Wakesurf setups

    Looking for suggestions on wakesurf setups behind a 2018 ar120. I've seen people say the wake booster + ballast bags. What bags work well for everyone? I've see so many opinions.
  4. M

    AR210 Wakesurf setups?

    Looking for suggestions on wakesurf setups behind a 2018 ar120. I've seen people say the wakebooster + ballast bags. What bags work well for everyone? I've see so many opinions.
  5. willdo

    2019 AR210/212X Ballast Intake Locations

    I'm doing a ballast upgrade on my 2019 AR210. I will have 3 ballast I'm going to install(ski locker,port and starboard rear compartments). Does anyone have a 212X from 2019 or with the same hull that can show me where the ballast intakes are? If I'm putting holes in my boat I would like to do...
  6. D

    Boat 2021 Yamaha AR210 for sale - Palm Coast, FL

    2021 AR210 (Warranty and custom trailer included). Asking $60k; make me an offer and we’ll talk Boat is very well taken care of. Selling bc we are looking to get into a pontoon as the family gets bigger Around 10k in upgrades, which makes this an ideal one-stop purchase. Upgrades Include...
  7. G

    2006 AR210 Throttle Body Assembly Issue?

    I have a 2006 AR210. For the past month, the port engine will sometimes start up right away and other times it won't start unless I turn off all power to it, wait a few minutes and try again. I have purchased an AR210 Service Manual and the YDS software. The software revealed the following...
  8. jjones1038

    Boat FOR SALE!! 2009 Yamaha AR210 $35,000

    I have a 2009 Yamaha AR210 twin-engine for sale. The boat is mechanically and cosmetically in great shape. The professional custom wrap was placed on it a year ago. Professional custom upholstery was also done a year ago. If interested pm me and I can give you more details. The boat is located...
  9. jjones1038

    How To Find Engine Hours 2009 AR210

    Hello, I have a 2009 Yamaha AR210 twin-engine boat. When I bought the boat used 2 years ago, the dealer told me both engines had 184 hours on them. I am getting ready to sell my boat and I am not sure how to check the engine hours. There is nothing on the dash that tells me. (Not in the gauges...
  10. Daniel Rogers

    RPMs on starboard motor unstable

    I have a 2018 AR210 which recently had some work done on the starboard bearings and pump, both were replaced due to water getting into the bering. First outing on the water after the repairs I had to jump the boat to get it to start, no further battery issues, voltage showing just under 12v...
  11. Dhuddy

    2021 AR210 Exhaust Issues

    Hey all! I have a 2021 AR210 with 28 hours on it. Several times last year the boat would at speed lose RPMs and sputter out and on one trip left me stuck out on the lake to get a tow in. It happens to both engines but the port seems to start first. I took it into the dealer to have this issue...
  12. A

    Compression and Spark Plug Help!!!

    Just received a call from dealer servicing boat. Took the boat to get preseason service completed. They called to let me know that compression in port side engine was a little low. Then they told me that service tech had a hard time removing one of the spark plugs. They said they found a little...
  13. S

    2019 AR210 transducer failed, under warranty, but due to supply chain issues the boat is not usable at the moment...What to do?

    Hi, Just joined the forum and new here, so sorry if I may not post this in the proper way. Looking for any advice on what to do with our 3 year old boat that is still under warranty. In March 2021 the transducer failed on our 2019 AR210, meaning ever since we don't have speed or depth...
  14. Berberman

    Pics: Side by side 2022 AR190 AR210 Deep vee hull/length

    I finally closed on my 2022 AR210 today, coming from a 2016 SX190. The showroom had a new 210 and a new 190 sitting side by side, which was great for comparison: Those extra 2 feet in length made a world of difference in the interior space (+2 passengers compared to the 190), but more...
  15. D

    AR210 Hull dimensions for trailer

    Hey all! First time posting, so I appreciate any and all the help I can get. I recently purchased a used (2021) AR210. It won’t be coming with the trailer, so I’ve bought one on my own, and am planning on adjusting it to fit the boat accordingly. Of course, the trailer store has told me they...
  16. P

    Boat Stuff 2020 complete snap in carpet

    Selling my complete interior snap in carpet for a 2020 AR210. There are a few small stain areas in the photos courtesy of the previous owner. I recently installed all new sea deck in the boat. Price is $100 OBO plus shipping. Thanks
  17. G

    2008 AR210 Purchase

    Hello All, I just signed up today and wanted to get your opinion on something. I am an avid boater for 25 years mostly outboards and owned a 99 Yamaha exciter about 16 years ago. I am looking at a 2008 AR210 at a price tag of 19k, the owner was asking 24K and got him down. I have a few...
  18. S

    Ar210 Tuning

    Anyone try out the magnum tuner for the AR210 with TR-1 engines? It says a 17% increase in both HP and TQ.
  19. Dan 4049

    Heavy white smoke from starboard engine

    Just bought a 2017 AR210. Guy before me hasn’t had it out yet this year. Day I bought it he said he “topped off the oil”. He did this on the trailer while engine was cold. I took the boat out for first time this weekend. Both engines started fine, idled around fine for about 15 minutes...
  20. K

    Storing 21ft Yamaha Jet Boat (SX210, AR210, etc) into a 7ft garage opening

    Hi All, wanted to start this thread as I see some people storing the 21ft boats outside by paying so this information may help them. If you have 21+ ft boats, please provide your inputs and hacks as it may help others. Thank you very much. - See the below link for description and pictures of...