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Articulating Keel, worth it? Cobra Jet 2018 242 LSE


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242 Limited S E-Series
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2018/242 LSE cobra jet magnum steering with dual AK keel.
Just snapped my articulating keel in Destin by beaching too hard to stern but while inside a bay with easy waves in that soft sugar sand. I’m removing plastic OEM keel that broke. I’m Installing additional inside aluminum Cobra Jet fins on inside of each jet since the tie rod won’t be restricting if inside plastic factory keel and rods are removed . I’m convinced from riding the waves the high speed steering improvement is all from lower hanging metal Cobra fins below the Boat’s draft at all speeds so I’m expanding them instead of reinstalling a plastic rudder that is even with the keel at draft depth. I’m looking for ideas to protect my stern in shallow waters without the rudder as a “fuse” . I’ll also be “beaching” from now on more conservatively from the stern regardless. Any ideas y’all have are gold and I appreciate any and all thoughts or related experiences!
Personally, I'd replace the rudder (it isn't plastic, BTW). I always go stern in to the beach, but leave the boat in about 3' of water. Drop my anchor about 100' from where I want to be, then back up and tie off the stern with a slide anchor and a danik hook. Makes adjusting the boat position to account for tide super simple - tide going out? Just send the wife on board to pull us out a few feet while I release a few feet of rode from the slide anchor.


2018/242 LSE cobra jet magnum steering with dual AK keel.
Just snapped my articulating keel in Destin by beaching too hard to stern but while inside a bay with easy waves in that soft sugar sand. I’m removing plastic OEM keel that broke. I’m Installing additional inside aluminum Cobra Jet fins on inside of each jet since the tie rod won’t be restricting if inside plastic factory keel and rods are removed . I’m convinced from riding the waves the high speed steering improvement is all from lower hanging metal Cobra fins below the Boat’s draft at all speeds so I’m expanding them instead of reinstalling a plastic rudder that is even with the keel at draft depth. I’m looking for ideas to protect my stern in shallow waters without the rudder as a “fuse” . I’ll also be “beaching” from now on more conservatively from the stern regardless. Any ideas y’all have are gold and I appreciate any and all thoughts or related experiences!
Keep us posted! I wonder about that, too. I don’t think that rudder-like appendage does $hit. But I could be wrong, never tested that.

Personally, I'd replace the rudder (it isn't plastic, BTW). I always go stern in to the beach, but leave the boat in about 3' of water. Drop my anchor about 100' from where I want to be, then back up and tie off the stern with a slide anchor and a danik hook. Makes adjusting the boat position to account for tide super simple - tide going out? Just send the wife on board to pull us out a few feet while I release a few feet of rode from the slide anchor.


Danik hook is the bomb! You may wanna consider an anchor buddy. Can take the place of your wife. Well, at least in some regards...
Danik hook is the bomb! You may wanna consider an anchor buddy. Can take the place of your wife. Well, at least in some regards...

I’ve been meaning to check out the anchor buddy, but not sure if it’d be a pain during normal anchoring. Some situations where I want my boat to stay exactly where put and not to stretch back.

I’ve been meaning to check out the anchor buddy, but not sure if it’d be a pain during normal anchoring. Some situations where I want my boat to stay exactly where put and not to stretch back.
This is true. I've had some issues with that. Still figuring that out. I think next time I'll drop my bow Danforth (that one has the buddy) and just back up to more less where I want to be. Then drop my stern box anchor. Then pull on my bow line until it catches. In theory that should keep me in place. I'll report back later.
Having super ultimate steering with the 4 fins and no tie rod or rudder is the way to go if you are concerned about contact damage to the rudder . Several people have broken the rudders.
I believe I referenced your post from Facebook https://jetboaters.net/threads/interesting-situation-posted-on-face-book.22992/#post-389008 and a few from here, https://jetboaters.net/threads/broken-articulating-keel-assembly.14893/
This picture shows the top of the rudder is out of the water at planning speed


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Found a use for my danforth anchor. Replaced it with 30lb mushroom anchor. I have better results since I switched. It is rated for 24 ft boat but light enough for me to lift it into my boat. So I use my anchor locker for dock lines. It was hit or miss setting danforth anchor on the lake. Now I use danforth for the stern anchor when within 5 ft of a beach. I will look into anchor buddy in order to increase storage capacity on boat. And ease of use. I agree, allowing a buffer when anchoring. Otherwise too close to shore will damage the bottom of boat.


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