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Hi WiskyDan. I'm Qubeb (Bill). Just joined jetboaters to learn more and hopefully purchase a decent boat. My quandary is what size, model and year. I see you have owned a few. I live in NW Arkansas and boat on Beaver Lake. The boat would live on a lift except for needed shop maintenance. I want the 2 captain chair option and at least 21-24 foot unit. My main questions are... is a 2008 -10 one okay or have the improvements made in 2016 or 2018 worth the money? Handling and sound muffling being what I'm not sure about. Maybe there are more improvements that I'm unaware of. I would rather pay in the $25k range not the $45-$50K range. Can an older boat be reto fitted for sound and handling? I've been looking at a 2016 and up AR240 and am currently speaking with gentlemen about his 2019 212X. I don't really need the wake function, grandkids haven't gone past tubing yet. And my wife and I want the option fir year round eagle watching. Do the tanks on the 212x create a problem for space if I never use them. Will a AR240 seem monsterly large compared to a 212x? I've never been in either and my local dealers don't have both Yamaha boats to look at. Will the 240 handle ruff water lots better or just a little better? Your reply with knowledge would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Bill. Ps. I'm leaving a 19 ft I/O bowrider for either a jet system or outboard. Are all jet boats quite noisy compared to others. Bill
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Today at 6:21 AM
Hi WiskyDan. I'm Qubeb (Bill). Just joined jetboaters to learn more and hopefully purchase a decent boat. My quandary is what size, model and year. I see you have owned a few. I live in NW Arkansas and boat on Beaver Lake. The boat would live on a lift except for needed shop maintenance. I want the 2 captain chair option and at least 21-24 foot unit. My main questions are... is a 2008 -10 one okay or have the improvements made in 2016 or 2018 worth the money? Handling and sound muffling being what I'm not sure about. Maybe there are more improvements that I'm unaware of. I would rather pay in the $25k range not the $45-$50K range. Can an older boat be reto fitted for sound and handling? I've been looking at a 2016 and up AR240 and am currently speaking with gentlemen about his 2019 212X. I don't really need the wake function, grandkids haven't gone past tubing yet. And my wife and I want the option fir year round eagle watching. Do the tanks on the 212x create a problem for space if I never use them. Will a AR240 seem monsterly large compared to a 212x? I've never been in either and my local dealers don't have both Yamaha boats to look at. Will the 240 handle ruff water lots better or just a little better? Your reply with knowledge would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Bill. Ps. I'm leaving a 19 ft I/O bowrider for either a jet system or outboard. Are all jet boats quite noisy compared to others. Bill

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Sorry. I tried to just post text, not the intire thread to WiskyDan. Just looking for feedback before jumping into my first jet boat. Billward51@gmail.com
@Qubeb I cleaned it up some for you, welcome to the forum.
Handy boat buying guide.

@Qubeb I cleaned it up some for you, welcome to the forum.
Thank you Zipper. Dan sent a nice informative reply, thoughmostly about 242's . The Ar240 would be nice. But like someone to respond to the 212x size. Bill
Thank you Zipper. Dan sent a nice informative reply, thoughmostly about 242's . The Ar240 would be nice. But like someone to respond to the 212x size. Bill
I went from a 2019 SX210 (TR-1 Engines) to a 2024 SX250 (1.9L Engines)........the 210 and 212x should be similiar hulls with some small differences from year to year.

I would say that from a passenger perspective, there really is not a huge difference. maybe slightly more comfort/room in the 250 but practically speaking very similar. where it was noticeable for me, was the 250 has a higher freeboard than the 210 so you sit higher above the water and it definitely handles bigger water better than the 210. The real change for me was the 1.9L engines which have substantially more horsepower and are significantly quieter than the TR-1's were. if noise is your main concern, the 1.9L engines are the answer.

there are some threads on here where folks have added sound proofing with varying levels of success. I never attempted any of these with the 210. in general, I think the noise argument on jetboats is over blown. I don't think they are tremendously louder than inboard/outboard's, but they do have a higher pitch to the engine. Once you are going above 30 or 35 mph, the wind noise overtakes the engine noise anyway.
I went from a 2019 SX210 (TR-1 Engines) to a 2024 SX250 (1.9L Engines)........the 210 and 212x should be similiar hulls with some small differences from year to year.

I would say that from a passenger perspective, there really is not a huge difference. maybe slightly more comfort/room in the 250 but practically speaking very similar. where it was noticeable for me, was the 250 has a higher freeboard than the 210 so you sit higher above the water and it definitely handles bigger water better than the 210. The real change for me was the 1.9L engines which have substantially more horsepower and are significantly quieter than the TR-1's were. if noise is your main concern, the 1.9L engines are the answer.

there are some threads on here where folks have added sound proofing with varying levels of success. I never attempted any of these with the 210. in general, I think the noise argument on jetboats is over blown. I don't think they are tremendously louder than inboard/outboard's, but they do have a higher pitch to the engine. Once you are going above 30 or 35 mph, the wind noise overtakes the engine noise anyway.
Thank you for those observations. I have read that the 1.9s are great, not the same top end but good low pulling power. However, they are so new I don't have the budget for one yet. Do you know if the 212x and the regular 212 have the same hull and motor setup? The wake tanks and different tower being the main differences. I won't use the wake function much, if at all. And would not like to be sacrificing boat ride to have them onboard for general use. bill
Thank you for those observations. I have read that the 1.9s are great, not the same top end but good low pulling power. However, they are so new I don't have the budget for one yet. Do you know if the 212x and the regular 212 have the same hull and motor setup? The wake tanks and different tower being the main differences. I won't use the wake function much, if at all. And would not like to be sacrificing boat ride to have them onboard for general use. bill
I believe the 212x would be same hull as regular 212 for sure....I believe the whole line of 212 models all have the same supercharged 1.8L engines in them, but less certain on that.
I believe the 212x would be same hull as regular 212 for sure....I believe the whole line of 212 models all have the same supercharged 1.8L engines in them, but less certain on that.
They all use the NA 1.8l not the supercharged version.
Thank you for those observations. I have read that the 1.9s are great, not the same top end but good low pulling power. However, they are so new I don't have the budget for one yet. Do you know if the 212x and the regular 212 have the same hull and motor setup? The wake tanks and different tower being the main differences. I won't use the wake function much, if at all. And would not like to be sacrificing boat ride to have them onboard for general use. bill
I have a question for anyone on their comparison of the quality build of the newer Yamaha 2024 and 2025-- 220x . I was able to go and sit in a new 220x today and felt the finishes were poor. Front ladder fiberglass hatch has raw and sharp edges. The rear bench seats are very straight up and uncomfortable. The captain chairs are difficult to move and continue to wobble even after tightening the round knob. My 1989 180 Fourwinns has better seat comfort.
\ My question is.; Are the 2018-19 212x boats of the same style with uncomfortable seating quality? Any insight would be helpful before i drive a day to go look at a 2019 212x to buy.
thank you Bill
I have a question for anyone on their comparison of the quality build of the newer Yamaha 2024 and 2025-- 220x . I was able to go and sit in a new 220x today and felt the finishes were poor. Front ladder fiberglass hatch has raw and sharp edges. The rear bench seats are very straight up and uncomfortable. The captain chairs are difficult to move and continue to wobble even after tightening the round knob. My 1989 180 Fourwinns has better seat comfort.
\ My question is.; Are the 2018-19 212x boats of the same style with uncomfortable seating quality? Any insight would be helpful before i drive a day to go look at a 2019 212x to buy.
thank you Bill
I can't speak to the 212x specifically...my previous boat was a 2019 210 though. I would say in general, these Yamaha boats are not the best fit/finish or have the best quality/control from the factory- I think this applies across all model years. You will find many small things that need attention even in the new boats. but the engines are reliable and last forever. the engines and boat are easy to work on, and with this forum, makes it easy to do upgrades or repairs. I'm a big believer these boats are easily the best value in the market though (especially new twin engine models). if you pay market price on a used yamaha boat, I would say this holds true as well.

I did not specifically notice the seats being uncomfortable in my 2019 210 or my 2025 250. but wouldn't go out of my way to say they are comfortable either though.....adequate is the word that comes to my mind.