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My humble take:

We have a very effective and almost unlimited testing with Flu strains Influenza A B or H1N1 (and one other I think) right at the doctor's office. Someone with minimal training can execute the test following simple instructions.

We ought to focus significant resources to develop similar capability so we can test EVERYONE for this (330,000,000 in US) and then easily segregate and quarantine those testing positive. rinse and repeat at day 7 and 14, and poof, we are in business. I realize my ask is not small, but when you look at the impact so far, any expense to support seems well justified.
Yup was going to say don't use ibuprofens and NSAIDs as there are reports it aggravates the virus. I'm no doctor nor in medical field so don't take my advice as fact but do your own research with reliable sources (CDC, WHO, etc).
Boy this virus is bringing out real d-heads. My wife's daycare got a waiver from the government to be allowed to stay open to serve people who are still allowed to work, including policemen, firemen, doctors and nurses to name a few. They have had a local news station show up, a state representative call and today the local police called and said someone reported them for being open.
My favorite motto...

Improvise Adapt and Overcome!
Both Michigan and Wisconsin have announced lockdown orders. WI to go in effect some time Tues, March 24, more details to be announced at 1:30 pm CDT. MI lockdown effective midnight Mon, March 23.
After reading the order document in MI, it really doesn't change anything from how it's been for the last week or so. "Lock down" is kind of a misnomer..

Can still get carry out / drive-thru, groceries, gas, auto (or boat) parts and supplies, go outside, etc.. Just be smart, use common sense (in short supply these days, lol).
So I have been reading this thread daily and most days many times. Up here in Maine we are at just over 100 confirmed cases and the most are in the county I live in. Our schools have been closed until after April vacation and the rumor is they will be shut down for the rest of the school year. My wife works in healthcare and has seen first hand the chaos in the medical field. They truly are on the frontlines of this and deserve all the praise and credit we can bestow upon them. I’m employed by Siemens and today received a letter declaring us essential personnel in the event of a state wide shut down. Our bulk warehouses (sams,BJ’s) easy on that one gents. lol. And our grocery stores are seeing similar shortages as the rest and no need to recap that. I often don’t care to post articles one way or another and if this one may have been posted earlier I apologize however I did find it topical as I myself experienced these symptoms back in February. Went to my PCP and tested negative for the flu. Friends of ours also had this run through there house in a similar time frame and we agreed that maybe this holds some water. Again not trying to say one way or the other but just interested in sharing info and hearing what my internet friends here have to say.

@Jp207 statistics dictate this is a very likely scenario. It’s naive to think the first cases didn’t arrive here until late Feb. when this was first noticed in China in December. Statistics can be tricky...data can tell many stories.
@Dixie Highway i agree and going down the rabbit hole has led me to other articles about China finding cases as far back as November. And still unable to find a true patient zero. Again I read it all with a grain of salt and just try to be open to listening to all options out there. And stay in the middle of this not trying to swing to far one way or the other.
My work was declared essential as well today. Thankfully I’m able to work from home, for now at least, and hoping to continue for a month or so until this gets better. My boss is a complete dumbass micromanager so really hoping he doesn’t make us come into work through this nonsense all because he can’t fathom working from a laptop or his cell phone (he mainly talks in meeting all day).

I also agree this has been here LONG before Feb. can’t trust China for shit. My daughter had a nasty case of flu (tested negative) earlier this year and still sounds stuffy. I’ve been sipping cough syrup since November because I can’t get rid of this scratchy throat and running nose (no fever or body aches). Can’t remember ever having to buy so many bottles of DayQuil in my life. I don’t think it’s the virus but I do think this was here before Feb. I really wished the manufacturing industry would pull out of China. I have zero issue paying top dollar 5-15% more for items if they were not of foreign dependence. It’s the greedy CEO’s that just can’t say no to the almighty red penny.
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Indiana shelters tomorrow. Supposedly construction is essential? Half our stuff we shut down anyways. Currently on a 2 day job doing a repair on a mental health clinic so i guess we will see where this goes!
Indiana shelters tomorrow. Supposedly construction is essential? Half our stuff we shut down anyways. Currently on a 2 day job doing a repair on a mental health clinic so i guess we will see where this goes!

Hadn't heard that one. Got a link? I know we got a "stay home" order yesterday. They doing an official "lock down"? Not sure how this works with my employer being in KY, and already convincing themselves they are 'essential business'.....we manufacture conveyors, screeners, and other large equipment for heavy industry (foundries, mineral processing plants, and that sort of thing).
Don't forget the spoonful of sugar to help it all slide down.

This latest apacoplyse virus will certainly bring some families sorrow and my heart truly goes out to them. It does seem, however, that our current response is out of proportion when we compare this with how many people are annually affected and even die annually from other strains according to reliable medical sources. Fear sells. It grants additional power to some because it causes people to willingly give up freedoms. They say, never let a crisis go to waste.
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