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what are you seeing? Tons of people coming in with issues? Are people coming in pre-maturely? Or are they in bad condition?

I'm in the ICU so I don't see the tons of nonspecific stuff that the ED sees What gets to me is the sickest of the sick. Bad condition, on life support. some confirmed covid, some test pending
I'm in the ICU so I don't see the tons of nonspecific stuff that the ED sees What gets to me is the sickest of the sick. Bad condition, on life support. some confirmed covid, some test pending

Thank you for your service.
Kentucky announced non-essential businesses to close by 8pm Monday. Guess I'll be working from home starting Tuesday. Going to pack up the truck with all 3 monitors, my desktop computer, and my office chair. Going to have to run a couple cables to get the home office setup. No biggie I don't think.

Shelly made a grocery trip today. We're well stocked to remain at home for the better part of two weeks. Might have to venture out for perishables by that time. Milk won't keep much longer than that, and we don't want to horde it. Still no TP to be found, I'm completely befuddled by that myself. Gonna grab a couple of office rolls on the way out the door tomorrow just in case. Also no ground beef to be found. Don't completely understand that either. Plenty of chicken, pork, and frozen beef. Is everyone making meatloaf while in quarantine?

I some how managed to pickup a head cold amongst all this mess. Had me seriously panicked, and self hidden in a room until I had a Teledoc appointment. She assured me I wasn't presenting any adverse symptoms and it was either a head cold or allergies. Couple rounds of Advil cold and sinus and I'm back to normal. Still trying to avoid touching anyone or anything, and I haven't left the house since Friday. Don't want to spread this around and make someone else already vulnerable even more at risk.

Hardest part so far has been telling my 8yr old that he can't play with his friends next door. Friend's mom is an ER Nurse and has asked that we not risk the kids in her house. Understandable completely, just a bummer for the kiddo.

Hope everyone else is holding up OK.
Still no TP to be found, I'm completely befuddled by that myself. Gonna grab a couple of office rolls on the way out the door tomorrow just in case. Also no ground beef to be found. Don't completely understand that either. Plenty of chicken, pork, and frozen beef. Is everyone making meatloaf while in quarantine?

I some how managed to pickup a head cold amongst all this mess. Had me seriously panicked, and self hidden in a room until I had a Teledoc appointment. She assured me I wasn't presenting any adverse symptoms and it was either a head cold or allergies. Couple rounds of Advil cold and sinus and I'm back to normal. Still trying to avoid touching anyone or anything, and I haven't left the house since Friday. Don't want to spread this around and make someone else already vulnerable even more at risk.

Hope everyone else is holding up OK.
Join the club! It would be funny if it wasn't such a serious situation. The only frozen pizza left in the freezer case was Hawaiian! If you were so damn worried about it, hoarders, you should have taken that too! Pure selfishness! The TP thing I really don't get! If one of the symptoms was explosive diarrhea, maybe. (Not making light of the situation). People take what they like and as much as they can get, and F*&k everyone else! I saw the same thing during Superstorm Sandy. Really makes me ashamed to live where I do, but I guess it's the same all over.

I have lousy seasonal allergies. Every time I get a little congested I think, "Oh shit, this is it, I'm done!" Not a good feeling!
Indiana isn't shelter in place but with Illinois being such it make for an interesting dynamic. I know in my county there have been a few cases. I am pretty far south compared to those cases and everyone around me has an acre or so land. Problem is going to grocery shopping.
My wife is sanitizing the high school she works for. So far taken over 40 hours a week, but sounds like the school board wants them to slow down or wait until they know when the kids will be going back. My wife says that won't leave time to do it right. We will see how that goes.
Construction goes on. We have one Illinois job wrapped up and one Indiana job wrapped up. Leaves odds and ends to do. One of our biggest jobs is actually at a local hospital but they postponed it because they are talking about using the area blocked off for construction to set up a testing site for the virus. I'm just glad they don't want us working next to a line of people coughing a possible coronavirus and got smart and just postponed the job.
Kids staying home longer than we have ever done with them which is a bit scary. Calling them like every 15 minutes between the two of us and we are both typically 10-20 minutes away max. Did you know you can call through an alexa? It's actually really good at getting their attention in our house because it's all open concept and it is in the middle of the house.

Most supply houses are open. Made trip to Lumber liquidators and Home depot Saturday. Basically got samples and got product and ran. No dilly dally anymore!
I gotta say it's pretty cool to see the POTUS and the federal coronavirus task force reach out to US manufacturing companies to help create medical and sanitary supplies that are likely made in Ill give you one guess the country. Ford, Tesla and other car manufacturers making ventilators and other metal components to elp give supplies to hospitals, Hanes making masks and breweries now making sanitizers. Love to see this kind of help by the manufacturing sector. Don't think we've seen this kind of thing since WWII.

One of our local breweries has started to make sanitizers to help out. God bless the USA and we need to limit our foreign dependencies moving forward. I will be fine paying any extra $5+ for items if it means made in the USA.

Evolve and adapt to conquer. I like it!

I love being quoted!
You lost me at NPR. A known bastion of liberal propaganda. Thought we weren't going to take this into politics. Your disdain for POTUS is obvious. I posted on Thursday regarding the same malaria drug that has shown promise and is being widely distributed to hospitals. To make a snide remark on my post dismissing the potential hope to slow the spread of the virus and then at the same time make the below doom and gloom prediction couldn't be more irresponsible. People are looking for hope of which it some on this thread are not interested is as it impacts their agenda. This drug is far from pie in the sky. Maybe stay in your lane on this one.

swatski said:
Can’t divulge details, for obvious reasons, but let’s just say there is some disturbing news that will be coming out of the new testing, bad on many levels.
Basically - the $hit is about to hit the fan.
BUT - let's be thorough, shall we?
Still can't say what it was, should had known better than to make a comment like that. Hence - I apologized.
Hopefully it won’t. I should have known better than to post, so - my apologies. Make no mistake about it though - we are at a breaking point, things can roll either way, yesterday in here there was just a brutal reminder of that.

But, you lost me at your alternative media regurgitations anyway, lol, no worries though - this virus was invented by mass media.

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I'm planning on going out Friday. High of 85!
We went out Saturday afternoon here in AZ expecting a quiet afternoon on the lake and I have never seen it so crowded before Memorial Day.
The water is still mid 60s, which is cold for here, and it didn’t seem to slow anyone down from being in the water on tubes, boards, jet skis, and just swimming. People are getting restless and we’re barely getting started with limitations out here.
Indiana isn't shelter in place but with Illinois being such it make for an interesting dynamic........

Same here. We're in southern IN, and Kentucky just closed non essential businesses. Wife and I both work in KY. Likewise, IN schools cancelled until at least May 1st, but no word when KY goes back. Having to watch two states reaction is tiring. Especially since local media gives most of it's attention to KY, we have to watch other outlets for official IN word. Just one more thing on the list of stuff to keep up with.

Babysitter took us for a roller coaster ride yesterday afternoon. She was going to be closed until further notice, then said she was going to be open. All through group text. Then private messages Shelly to say our boy needs to stay home until his cough is gone, then retracts that and says he'll be the only one there, so she can handle him, then come back 2 hrs later and said she has another kid again and ours needs to stay away......we finally said screw it, we'll just keep him home all week and pay the 50% to hold our spot until further notice. I really don't care either way, but cheese and rice lady, we need some consistency of message here.
I have lousy seasonal allergies. Every time I get a little congested I think, "Oh shit, this is it, I'm done!" Not a good feeling!

I hear you, I'm eating sudafed like its candy. Had a ton of sinus drainage late week which resulted in a cough and sore throat, I immediately reached for the thermometer.
I hear you, I'm eating sudafed like its candy. Had a ton of sinus drainage late week which resulted in a cough and sore throat, I immediately reached for the thermometer.
Advil Cold and Sinus > Sudafed. That stuff is like cocaine, makes me feel invincible!
Sorry about the rant guys, I’m just frustrated by the lack of coordinated action and conflicting advice.

More people I know are being directly impacted by this and we seem no better off than we were when it all started.

I’ve decided to limit my news intake on COVID-19 and posting about it as well. It’s just not good for my mental health.

One additional benefit of the shelter in place order is that I should have more time to work on my boat, no single day or weekend upgrade marathons this year.

My final note on the subject for now is a link to a story on yahoo about what needs to be done to get control of the situation here in the U.S.

Food for thought: What is the U.S. doing to prepare for COVID-20?

Both Michigan and Wisconsin have announced lockdown orders. WI to go in effect some time Tues, March 24, more details to be announced at 1:30 pm CDT. MI lockdown effective midnight Mon, March 23.
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