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I found this to be a neat article that really sums up what we are going through in an eloquent way, almost poetically. Thought I would share with you folks.

In nc today the new case went up 60% over night. With the media that is all u will hear. The fact of the matter is nc increase their testing with new supplies by 60% over night. So it is not a direct reflection of new case. More a reflections of newly identified case. I wish there was a way for the media to be held accountable for fear mongering ...
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@Julian use this post in whatever way you so desire, I only want you to avoid a heart attack! LOL
You seem to have missed my points entirely. I'm complaining about the lack of a coordinated, communicated and planned out response. Knee jerk immediate reactions are only needed when something surprising happens. There are very few surprises going on here....just a pretty predictable growth curve. So for example, the feds could have said the following to the States (or ordered them to do this):

1) If your state confirms a case: order social distancing
2) If your State confirms 10 cases: close all gatherings of 100 or more
3) If your state confirms 100 cases: close all bars restaurants, gyms, massage stores, etc
4) if you state confirms 300 cases, etc etc

This way, businesses can watch the progression and know how to plan for the next stage.

The current approach....or complete lack of approach is what is ludicrous. It adds to the sense that we dont know if there is a plan, and actually drives more panic. People want to know there is a plan and what is coming next. People are hoarding because they dont know what is next.
On nc today the new case went up 60% over night. With the media that is all u will hear. The fact of the matter is nc increase their testing with new supplies by 60% over night. So it is not a direct reflection of new case. More a reflections of newly identified case. I wish there was a way for the media to be held accountable for fear mongering ...
Interesting....what I heard on the national news last night was that they were actually REDUCING the amount of testing being done to preserve the available test kits. I'll have to check with my Wake Med workers to confirm your premise that testing increased by 60% overnight. I find that hard to believe....but possible. Who was your source?
@Julian I sent it to you phone. It was a brief he did yesterday afternoon. I didnt see it until this morning. I couldn't figure out how to post it here from facebook.
Here is the full post from NC Senator Jeff Jackson (posted yesterday...so perhaps testing will decrease today?)....interesting info.

We now have 239 positive cases in NC. That's an increase of 102 cases from yesterday - a nearly 60% increase in one day.

BUT we also had a 60% increase in testing yesterday, from 3242 to 5,276 tests conducted (that includes our state lab and non-state sources like hospitals and commercial labs).

That tells us three things:

1) As many suspected, more testing is leading to a higher case count - but that's not reassuring. While the higher case count may not, by itself, indicate that the actual size of the total infected population is growing at the same rate as the confirmed cases (i.e., a 60% daily increase in confirmed cases may not indicate a 60% increase in the total infected population), the sheer number of people who are being confirmed positive each day does suggest that rapid growth is nonetheless occurring. And that's what is driving concern about hospital capacity.

2) Our efforts to ramp up testing are working. We still have a shortage of extraction kits (which are needed to make the test kits work) and we have an even bigger shortage of the masks/gloves/gowns that medical workers need to do the tests, but test capacity has dramatically improved - and that's largely due to non-state sources expanding their capacity. Nearly 40% of all the testing we've done in North Carolina happened *yesterday.*

3) Even with this increase in testing capacity, it’s important to note that no one thinks we are going to see the kind of widespread testing they used in South Korea to help trace, isolate, and ultimately contain the spread. Because of how much time has gone by, we’re going to have to rely on a combination of testing and social distancing. That means if we don't - as individuals - heavily commit to social distancing, then we are essentially allowing our hospitals to be overwhelmed. There's no third option here. Testing won't be enough.

There are so many other updates I'm just going to do the rest in bullet-point form:

- Students are certainly not coming back to school on April 1st. There is a real possibility that the school year is now over. If that happens, I don't know what it would mean for summer camps. As a parent with three kids at home right now, believe me when I tell you I'm tracking this issue just as closely as any of you. I would expect an announcement relatively soon.

- At this time, there is no intent to issue a shelter in place order. It remains an option, but currently NC DHHS has not made that recommendation to the Governor and that's why it hasn't happened. That could very well change in a matter of days. It would be prudent to plan around that possibility.

- There is currently no intent to add more businesses to the closure list but there may be some guidance coming for hair/nail salons.

- It has been repeatedly emphasized to state leaders by our food industry folks that the food supply chain is good. Basically, folks who own grocery stores are telling us that there will not be a shortage and you don't need to hoard food. Just shop when you need to and try and keep your distance from folks. Act like the calm, reasonable people you normally are when you're in a grocery store.

- Many steps are being taken to surge our hospital capacity. Our hospital beds are usually 85% full. That needs to change very quickly. Hospitals have already started canceling non-elective procedures. The state hasn't issued a formal order to that effect, but may do so if needed. (By the way, an "elective" procedure is one that cannot wait four weeks without causing serious harm to the patient.) The state medical board is waiving certain licensure requirements to allow medical professionals to cross state lines to work here and re-activating retired doctors and nurses.

- Child care facilities are now considered an extension of our health care system. We need them to stay in operation so health care workers (and other front-line workers) can continue showing up to work. So we are mapping all child care facilities within five miles of every hospital so health care workers know they have that option. Important note: These facilities are not limited to health care and front-line workers, but those workers (and children who are homeless or in an otherwise unsafe environment) will be prioritized if a shortage arises. BUT right now we have the opposite problem. About half of our state's child care centers have voluntarily closed and of the half that are open they are only about half full because parents have pulled their kids out. So we are talking to the federal government about getting some funding to make sure these facilities can afford to stay open.

- Last week our state processed 41,000 unemployment claims - a record. (More to come from me on state and federal plans for getting money to people quickly. Many plans under discussion. I need to learn more before giving you a sense of what I think is likely.)

- We've had so many people call 911 with COVID questions that we decided to create a stand-alone number. So please call 211 with your COVID questions.

- Like the federal government, we are moving the due date for state taxes to July 15. However, right now the interest on what you may owe will still start accruing on April 15. Why? Because legally we can’t use an executive order to change the interest accrual piece. We need a new state law for that and that can’t happen without the General Assembly meeting. Which brings us to another point...

- The General Assembly isn’t scheduled to go back into session until April 28th. We could call a special session - and many of us think it would be appropriate - but there has been vocal concern among some of our members about all of us meeting together in the same room. Right now, there is no procedure for remote voting.

- We are working hard to procure masks/gloves/gowns for our health care workers. So far we have been able to fulfill the requests made by counties but we see this as a serious issue and it is a major focal point for DHHS.

- There is some discussion of bringing in some National Guard soldiers to help with warehousing and transporting supplies and equipment where it is needed. At this point, that's the extent of their involvement.

Final thought

When this is over, one of the things that will have changed in our society is our concept of who our heroes are. We're used to seeing doctors and nurses and teachers in that light - and they certainly deserve it. But we're also seeing that we are only as strong as our checkout clerks, our sanitation workers, our delivery drivers. Some of these people have never worked harder - or at greater personal risk - than right now. Without them, everything truly would come to a halt.

Talk soon,

Sen. Jeff Jackson
Thanks @Julian ! One of the best sources of information on progress I've found in my region has been Gov. Cuomo's (NY) press conferences. NY is the epicenter of this mess and Gov. Cuomo has been very forthcoming and honest about what's been going on. He does a detailed explanation of what efforts are being undertaken and explains why. For the record, I've never really agreed with his politics, but I thing he's been doing an impressive job. The MSM is useless, proving nothing more that a daily body count and updates on how many more have tested positive. Cuomo has been having a PC every day at 11am. You can probably catch them online or on youtube if you can't access NY based channels.
Thanks @Julian ! One of the best sources of information on progress I've found in my region has been Gov. Cuomo's (NY) press conferences. NY is the epicenter of this mess and Gov. Cuomo has been very forthcoming and honest about what's been going on. He does a detailed explanation of what efforts are being undertaken and explains why. For the record, I've never really agreed with his politics, but I thing he's been doing an impressive job. The MSM is useless, proving nothing more that a daily body count and updates on how many more have tested positive. Cuomo has been having a PC every day at 11am. You can probably catch them online or on youtube if you can't access NY based channels.

People can watch live on YouTube. Link is below. He's on at the time of this post.

He's saying everything that people need to hear. He's reassuring. I laugh at how blunt his messages are. Not exactly his quote, but his message was: People can go for a walk but they need to practice social distancing. You can't be playing basketball while practicing social distancing. You can't stay 6ft from the other player - you're going to lose. And we're going to go after those people in the park. In fact, i'm going to the park after this and i'm going to get them.
People can watch live on YouTube. Link is below. He's on at the time of this post.
He's "Old School", extremely informative and dare I say, inspirational.
You can't be playing basketball while practicing social distancing. You can't stay 6ft from the other player - you're going to lose. And we're going to go after those people in the park. In fact, i'm going to the park after this and i'm going to get them.
Lol I loved that part! "You can, but you're a lousy basketball player!"
He also really knows his shit!
Governor DeWine does a daily presser that is excellent. Proud of the job he’s doing being aggressive and leading our states response to the crisis.

You lost me at NPR. A known bastion of liberal propaganda. Thought we weren't going to take this into politics. Your disdain for POTUS is obvious. I posted on Thursday regarding the same malaria drug that has shown promise and is being widely distributed to hospitals. To make a snide remark on my post dismissing the potential hope to slow the spread of the virus and then at the same time make the below doom and gloom prediction couldn't be more irresponsible. People are looking for hope of which it some on this thread are not interested is as it impacts their agenda. This drug is far from pie in the sky. Maybe stay in your lane on this one.

swatski said:
Can’t divulge details, for obvious reasons, but let’s just say there is some disturbing news that will be coming out of the new testing, bad on many levels.
Basically - the $hit is about to hit the fan.

Patriot, your post says a lot about your own biases. I'm sure you'll disagree with this graphic, but with the exception of where CNN is placed (I'd put it closer to MSNBC), I thinks it's spot on. I hope you spend as much time verifying your information as you do attacking others... (for the record, I do agree that swatski's "disturbing news" post was irresponsible without context provided).


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Patriot, your post says a lot about your own biases. I'm sure you'll disagree with this graphic, but with the exception of where CNN is placed (I'd put it closer to MSNBC), I thinks it's spot on. I hope you spend as much time verifying your information as you do attacking others... (for the record, I do agree that swatski's "disturbing news" post was irresponsible without context provided).
Never seen that chart before. Thanks for sharing.

I'm an NPR guy myself, followed closely with NBC, CBS and ABC.
Governor DeWine does a daily presser that is excellent. Proud of the job he’s doing being aggressive and leading our states response to the crisis.

DeWine just communicated stay at home order issued for Ohioans. You can watch his telecast on the link.
Until there is a vaccine, everybody in this country needs to be tested. How else are we going to know where we're at!!! AND, we could save more lives by early detection. My wife's a T1D, early detection is the only way she survives.

@tabbibus Thank you for your service. Thank you!!!!
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