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I'm with Robconn on this. The folks that end up in my ICU are SICK. More so than any other viral illness i've treated.

You are right, math doesn't lie, and in the last 2 weeks I've seen a dramatic increase in COVID19 hospitalizations. I'm giving you first hand data. Not "reports" from other places. And I don't think the young are protected applies any longer. I have people in their 40s on the vent. ER visits were doing during the initial months. Our ER is almost back to 100% volume. So now we have sick people from usual cases and more and more COVID19 cases. Math also applies to the number of beds we have.

I strongly believe one the main reasons we have such a discrepancy with other countries is our so called love for "freedom". Which I've seen turn into simply an excuse to be selfish and not be inconvenienced. Namely, the resistance to wear a freaking mask to protect others.
“So called love for freedom?” One of the most despicable, un-American comments I’ve ever heard in my life.
My best friends kid started football workouts for middle school. 7th grader. A majority of the kids on the team were complaining of headaches. They are required to were masks during the workouts. The parents believe the headaches are from inhaling too much of the CO2 that is not getting out of the masks when breathing heavy
Honestly guys I think schools are the least of the concern right now. Nobody in ANY country can point to a school or daycare as the source for any “hot-spots”, quite the opposite. Even countries that did not close down schools have seen a much lower than average infection rate amongst students and staff. If you haven’t seen Bret Weinstein on Joe Rogan’s podcast it is quite enlightening. It’s worth your 3 hours, but the Covid talk starts around 2:10:00. This dude is an evolutionary biologist, so he seems like a good authority to be discussing such things:

“So called love for freedom?” One of the most despicable, un-American comments I’ve ever heard in my life.

Is it? Is it un-American to point out that many are hiding behind freedom as an excuse to not give a crap about others and not wear a mask. Because let me break it to you, that’s not exercising your freedom. Our freedom in this country does not entitle you to actively do something that will cause harm to others. That’s using your free will to be an asshole.

I became a citizen of this country because I believe in the freedom it promises us. I made that decision after much thought. You might think I’m despicable, but I firmly believe that the most despicable thing I’ve seen is the complete disregard of some for the well-being of others.
My best friends kid started football workouts for middle school. 7th grader. A majority of the kids on the team were complaining of headaches. They are required to were masks during the workouts. The parents believe the headaches are from inhaling too much of the CO2 that is not getting out of the masks when breathing heavy

I can understand why that may be a consideration. But I can assure you that surgical or cloth masks do not make it so you accumulate CO2. This has been proven with direct measurements. N95 masks on the other hand may be a different issue. The restriction of air flow on these masks may be enough to cause significant discomfort on its own.
But I can assure you that surgical or cloth masks do not make it so you accumulate CO2. This has been proven with direct measurements.

Got a link to support this? I am genuinely interested, because I am inclined to think otherwise.
I think we are confusing freedom with responsibility here, and that’s a dangerous maneuver. Individual liberty gives us all sorts of freedom to do whatever we’d like within certain boundaries. One of those boundaries as I see it, are that your individual liberties, or what we are calling freedoms, end where mine begin. This is the basis for many of our laws and regulations. This is why we have things like property rights, right to defend yourself and others from bodily harm, etc. Now, that comes with the expectation, not the requirement, to act in other‘s best interests. We see this CONSTANTLY in public. There is no requirement for courtesy or responsibility, hence the laws protecting individuals. So while one may feel a statement is un-American, another has every right to express the sentiment. The other may feel that ”hiding behind” freedom is just an excuse, but that could be said of any action we feel is unjust or irresponsible, no? The problem, in my opinion, is that most of us rely far too heavily on others for our own sense of well being. If you feel that encountering an unmasked person in public is dangerous, then you should not feel compelled to go out in public. If you feel like going to the store and not wearing a mask, then you should not be compelled to stay home. It’s the same reason there is no law REQUIRING vaccination, but it is encouraged (and a good idea, since it’s eliminated terrible diseases).
Got a link to support this? I am genuinely interested, because I am inclined to think otherwise.
Oh man. I’ll have to scavenge that up again. Basically you get on a treadmill and reach your anaerobic threshold. At the same time we measure your O2 sats with pulse oximetry and your CO2 with capnography. We saw it on the webs and replicated the experiment as well. No change. No doubt masks restrict airflow. That’s uncomfortable. But we did not see it change co2 or o2 levels
Oh man. I’ll have to scavenge that up again. Basically you get on a treadmill and reach your anaerobic threshold. At the same time we measure your O2 sats with pulse oximetry and your CO2 with capnography. We saw it on the webs and replicated the experiment as well. No change. No doubt masks restrict airflow. That’s uncomfortable. But we did not see it change co2 or o2 levels

I just completed a decidedly unscientific experiment.
  1. Baseline oxygen saturation: 98%
  2. 5 minutes on peloton at 80 cadence and 45 resistance: 96% oxygen saturation
  3. 5 minutes on peloton at 80 cadence and 45 resistance with mask (not N95): 94% oxygen saturation
I have no doubt that a more strenuous exercise (duration or wattage output) would have yielded even lower oxygen saturation. Can someone else with a Peloton do a similar test.

Side note: I was measuring with a Facelake FL400.
Is it? Is it un-American to point out that many are hiding behind freedom as an excuse to not give a crap about others and not wear a mask. Because let me break it to you, that’s not exercising your freedom. Our freedom in this country does not entitle you to actively do something that will cause harm to others. That’s using your free will to be an asshole.

I became a citizen of this country because I believe in the freedom it promises us. I made that decision after much thought. You might think I’m despicable, but I firmly believe that the most despicable thing I’ve seen is the complete disregard of some for the well-being of others.
Is it? Is it un-American to point out that many are hiding behind freedom as an excuse to not give a crap about others and not wear a mask. Because let me break it to you, that’s not exercising your freedom. Our freedom in this country does not entitle you to actively do something that will cause harm to others. That’s using your free will to be an asshole.

I became a citizen of this country because I believe in the freedom it promises us. I made that decision after much thought. You might think I’m despicable, but I firmly believe that the most despicable thing I’ve seen is the complete disregard of some for the well-being of others.
First, let me say...you're welcome. I am part of the 1% of the population that has (and continues to serve) in the United States military that fought for the right for you to become a US citizen...you picked the greatest country in the world, so thumbs up to you. I don't want/need praise, I'm just a man doing my job. So, when I hear comments like that, yes, it fires me up. I didn't deploy all around the world for someone to tell me what I can and cannot do with my body.

Secondly, I never said you were despicable. I said, "“So called love for freedom?” One of the most despicable, un-American comments I’ve ever heard in my life." Don't twist my words.

Third, no one will ever have to HIDE behind freedom...to even suggest that shows me that you have absolutely no idea what that word truly means.

Now, let me ask you...what makes you think that my (or anyone's) not wearing a mask, "actively does something that will cause harm to others" or shows a "complete disregard of some for the well-being of others?" I think you mistyped there and meant to say, "complete disregard for the well-being of others?" Either way, please explain.

Let me ask you something else...are you against abortion, or smoking? Because both "actively cause harm to others." When you see someone on the street smoking, do you ask them to stop because it will harm you? If not, why not? If you are against abortion, do you passionately profess your opposition to it every time a woman goes into an abortion clinic? If not, why not. There is no difference.

Do you think the government is all-knowing and all-powerful? If so, you are wrong.

If you have a fear of being in public with others, you have every right to stay home. I choose to live my life as I did before this whole thing started and will continue to do so. If you want to wear a mask, that is absolutely your right. If I do not want to wear a mask, that is absolutely my right.

One last thing, I noticed you said things such as "our ER." I assume you are in the medical profession...doctor, nurse? Whatever it is, thank you for doing what you do. I find that caring for others is one of the noblest professions a human being can do.
I’m not here to change anyone’s mind or discuss false equivalencies. That’s not what the internet is for. Feel free to avoid me or think whatever you want of me. I’ve got much better things to do than this. I’m out of this discussion.
I just completed a decidedly unscientific experiment.
  1. Baseline oxygen saturation: 98%
  2. 5 minutes on peloton at 80 cadence and 45 resistance: 96% oxygen saturation
  3. 5 minutes on peloton at 80 cadence and 45 resistance with mask (not N95): 94% oxygen saturation
I have no doubt that a more strenuous exercise (duration or wattage output) would have yielded even lower oxygen saturation. Can someone else with a Peloton do a similar test.

Side note: I was measuring with a Facelake FL400.

Just had my son repeat the test (lower cadence & resistance). Same exact results. Towards the end he was taking really deep breaths, which would suck in the mask and temporarily spike his saturation up to 96%, but immediately after it dropped right back down to 94%.
  1. Baseline oxygen saturation: 98%
  2. 5 minutes on peloton at 60-70 cadence and 40 resistance: 96% oxygen saturation
  3. 5 minutes on peloton at 60-70 cadence and 40 resistance with mask (not N95): 94% oxygen saturation
My vote is we need to be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem.
The whole country did a test. No peloton, no cadence and no masks. Just elbow to elbow in bars and beaches. I think we all know how that test worked out. I agree with @Dean P. A couple months of following a few common sense rules should get us to where most of the rest of the world is at now.
It’s foolish to think the rest of the world is any better off than we are. We are doing nearly 250,000 tests per day last I saw, could be even more than that.
It’s foolish to think the rest of the world is any better off than we are. We are doing nearly 250,000 tests per day last I saw, could be even more than that.

We are now doing north of 700,000 tests per day, just over 750,000 in the last 24 hours, and did more than 800,000 once in the last week.
Source = The COVID Tracking Project (screenshot from their Twitter feed today)

“So called love for freedom?” One of the most despicable, un-American comments I’ve ever heard in my life.
First, let me say...you're welcome. I am part of the 1% of the population that has (and continues to serve) in the United States military that fought for the right for you to become a US citizen...you picked the greatest country in the world, so thumbs up to you. I don't want/need praise, I'm just a man doing my job. So, when I hear comments like that, yes, it fires me up. I didn't deploy all around the world for someone to tell me what I can and cannot do with my body.

Secondly, I never said you were despicable. I said, "“So called love for freedom?” One of the most despicable, un-American comments I’ve ever heard in my life." Don't twist my words.

Third, no one will ever have to HIDE behind freedom...to even suggest that shows me that you have absolutely no idea what that word truly means.

Now, let me ask you...what makes you think that my (or anyone's) not wearing a mask, "actively does something that will cause harm to others" or shows a "complete disregard of some for the well-being of others?" I think you mistyped there and meant to say, "complete disregard for the well-being of others?" Either way, please explain.

Let me ask you something else...are you against abortion, or smoking? Because both "actively cause harm to others." When you see someone on the street smoking, do you ask them to stop because it will harm you? If not, why not? If you are against abortion, do you passionately profess your opposition to it every time a woman goes into an abortion clinic? If not, why not. There is no difference.

Do you think the government is all-knowing and all-powerful? If so, you are wrong.

If you have a fear of being in public with others, you have every right to stay home. I choose to live my life as I did before this whole thing started and will continue to do so. If you want to wear a mask, that is absolutely your right. If I do not want to wear a mask, that is absolutely my right.

One last thing, I noticed you said things such as "our ER." I assume you are in the medical profession...doctor, nurse? Whatever it is, thank you for doing what you do. I find that caring for others is one of the noblest professions a human being can do.
your argument for smokers and abortions is flawed. Neither may potentially affect my health that in a week or two I wind up vented? Are they both contagious and possibly fatal in 2 weeks? Please advise. As you are currently in the military, do you consider covid biological warfare? Was wanting your perspective as an active military member. My staff and I received a letter written by a group of Vietnam Veterans that offered encouragement for those on the front lines of covid. I will see if I can get that on this post. Many correlations with what they went through and healthcare members on the front line today. Risking our lives, Many are dying, an invisible enemy, supplies and equipment are inadequate or short supply, long hours, separation, depression essentially a full spectrum of emotions experienced in war, lack of public approval and political agendas. Like you, we volunteered so mutual respect.


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