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Here’s another way for people to look at the mask wearing thing, which unfortunately has become polarizing and should most definitely not be a political thing. I (almost always) wear a mask when I’m in a store, not because I’m scared of getting infected or infecting others, I wear it out of respect for the people who work there who are themselves wearing masks. I don’t wear one walking outside, or around my neighbors, but do in stores.

Many of these store workers don’t have a choice to be there – it’s their job. We depend on them, yet they are being paid a fraction of what most of us make, and deal with a constant stream of strangers coming in/out their doors who might have who knows what. (Can you imagine if you were working at a place like Walgreens where sick people come in during all of this??) Many of these workers are required to wear masks, and have to breathe through that thing 8 hours a day!

To me, it’s just a sign of respect to put on a mask for the brief 5-10 minutes I’m in their store, as a way of showing that I appreciate them and respect their health too. Because these masks don’t do a ton to protect the actual wearer if someone is breathing on them - they are only mostly effective at protecting others from the mask wearer. These employees are therefore doing more to protect their customers by wearing masks, and it seems only courteous to return the favor by doing the same – it has to be a 2 way thing to really work. Note I said I “usually” wear a mask, there are times when I don’t always; if I forgot to bring one, my mask ear loop broke, or I’m running into a gas station super quick (being lazy). Just remember that when you see people in a store, not wearing a mask – don’t be quick to cast judgment – it doesn’t mean that person is anti-mask or never wears one, just they aren’t right now - so assume good intent. I actually appreciate the stores themselves making the decision for customers easy.

At Menards (a home improvement store in the Midwest) they require masks upon entry, but if you don’t have one they just stop you and direct you to a station where you can buy a mask for $1. Makes it easy for everybody, and shows that they care about their employees health – I think every big retail store should just do that for now (at least in counties where infection rates are on the rise).

We wear masks in all stores we need to go into as well as in waiting in line outside at something like an Ice Cream shop. I wear one at work moving through the building as well as coming and going, but I don't wear one sitting at my desk in my office which is about 20' x 15' and has a door.

In my mind it is a small thing. Do they work, I think so. I have read things that indicate they do and then things that indicate they don't. Does it protect us as well as others, I hope so, but I would rather error on the side of caution and just wear it. It is a minor inconvenience and not a big deal.

What concerns me and bothers me more than wearing a mask is all the small businesses I see closed with lease/sale signs in the window. A lot of people lost their jobs as well as their companies and this has taken an economic toll on a lot of people. Some will never be the same again. People got sick, some recovered and some died, albeit too soon. Families and friends separated and apart. People having mental issues because of confinement, we are all different. I see kids being schooled virtually, and since we have teenagers in the house I see it first hand. The whole process is somewhat lack luster. I also remember a short time ago that no parks were open and no ramps were open at the launches and we couldn't do anything really outside.
Furthermore, I saw and watched Medical professional and front line workers get this thing and get sick and some died.

I am not sure what all the answers are, and I am not sure if all the information is factual, BUT if wearing a mask when out in places has "EVEN THE SLIGHTEST CHANCE" of helping in any way and possibly, no matter how remote, to help save a life or keep someone healthy, then that it is not a problem for us and we will continue to do it. I want to see businesses open back up, and people have jobs. I want to see kids getting the education they need, they are the future. I want to know that the people on the Front Line are being given every chance to be safe. I don't want to see people suffer if there is any chance my little contribution of wearing a mask could help in some way. I do not want be locked down again and forced into a situation that is far worse than effort it takes for me to snap on a mask. I am pretty tired of the politics of it all as well................
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The real cog here is that most (not my words, the HHS Admiral's) Covid transmission is from asymptomatic people. Consider this and the fact that antibodies may fade in as little as 2 months (meaning you can catch it again). Sobering...
I appreciate your response. Thank you for explaining your point further. My intent writing about the vets was not an attempt to distract or pull at heart strings. More of a statement that we are similar than distant. But yes, probably not the most appropriate example to use. The sign was not aimed at you just related to the topic. I saw it on Reddit. I apologize for the inappropriate posting. As for hostilities that occur, trying to grasp the origins of, who knows, did some experience loss?, do one have co- morbidities? Scared?, do some attribute their economic situation to it? I can’t answer for them. I’m sure there is a multitude of experiences that affect people’s attitudes. For me, it’s my proximity to ground zero covid. But this forum has open up perspectives that have help me deal with it personally, I thank each and everyone who is part of this discussion.
Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about! I can dig that. Now let’s get our boats on the water and have a beer? Lol.

We wear masks in all stores we need to go into as well as in waiting in line outside at something like an Ice Cream shop. I wear one at work moving through the building as well as coming and going, but I don't wear one sitting at my desk in my office which is about 20' x 15' and has a door.

In my mind it is a small thing. Do they work, I think so. I have read things that indicate they do and then things that indicate they don't. Does it protect us as well as others, I hope so, but I would rather error on the side of caution and just wear it. It is a minor inconvenience and not a big deal.

What concerns me and bothers me more than wearing a mask is all the small businesses I see closed with lease/sale signs in the window. A lot of people lost their jobs as well as their companies and this has taken an economic toll on a lot of people. Some will never be the same again. People got sick, some recovered and some died, albeit too soon. Families and friends separated and apart. People having mental issues because of confinement, we are all different. I see kids being schooled virtually, and since we have teenagers in the house I see it first hand. The whole process is somewhat lack luster. I also remember a short time ago that no parks were open and no ramps were open at the launches and we couldn't do anything really outside.
Furthermore, I saw and watched Medical professional and front line workers get this thing and get sick and some died.

I am not sure what all the answers are, and I am not sure if all the information is factual, BUT if wearing a mask when out in places has "EVEN THE SLIGHTEST CHANCE" of helping in any way and possibly, no matter how remote, to help save a life or keep someone healthy, then that it is not a problem for us and we will continue to do it. I want to see businesses open back up, and people have jobs. I want to see kids getting the education they need, they are the future. I want to know that the people on the Front Line are being given every chance to be safe. I don't want to see people suffer if there is any chance my little contribution of wearing a mask could help in some way. I do not want be locked down again and forced into a situation that is far worse than effort it takes for me to snap on a mask. I am pretty tired of the politics of it all as well................
I can appreciate your stance, and have no problem with it. I am, by no means, downplaying the fact this thing is doing some damage. You said, “... if wearing a mask when out in places has "EVEN THE SLIGHTEST CHANCE" of helping in any way and possibly, no matter how remote, to help save a life or keep someone healthy, then that it is not a problem for us and we will continue to do it.” Again, that’s noble. But, where do you draw the line? Will you now continue to wear a mask for the rest of your life, wherever you go, no matter the circumstance because it has a slight chance of saving someone’s life? Because by your rationale, you will. If so, that’s your prerogative.

In a few of my other posts, I brought up smoking and abortion, you can even throw in car accidents and a multitude of other everyday life activities, that all include risk...many of which are a risk to others. So why don’t we get passionate about EVERYTHING that may cause risk to others and not just this one thing? The answer is not because its so contagious or because so many of people are dying from it. Because if you cared about the health of everybody, all the time, then all other activities involving risk to someone else would be regarded the same way. (I say “you” but I’m not directing it towards you...just using it as a generality).

If you believe the numbers the media and the CDC are spewing (which I don’t), even if u caught COVID, your chances of survival are anywhere between 96-98% (depending which source you use), and are even higher if your young, healthy, and have no underlying health conditions. Well, you ask, what about the old, unhealthy, and individuals with underlying conditions? I say, they can do whatever they want. Is it a good idea to distance themselves? Maybe. Wear masks? Maybe. What if they chose to live their life regardless of the risk? Their prerogative as well.

My whole point is, where do we draw the line? Are we going to wait until there are zero cases and zero deaths? Should we start building isolation camps? Are we going to enact Marshal Law and start flooding the streets with military vehicles to keep the people in check? That is a real quick way to get to living like Communist China.
@BeauSko Too much analyzing it for me, I was talking about masks and what we do at the current time. I really wasn't looking for you to critique and/or question my standing nor was I referencing yours. I will worry about the other things that I decide that I want to be "PASSIONATE" about when I want to and when they are on my radar and for whatever reason. But I do get your approach, its nothing new.
@BeauSko Too much analyzing it for me, I was talking about masks and what we do at the current time. I really wasn't looking for you to critique and/or question my standing nor was I referencing yours. I will worry about the other things that I decide that I want to be "PASSIONATE" about when I want to and when they are on my radar and for whatever reason. But I do get your approach, its nothing new.
If you’re not looking for critique then probably best not to post opinion in an OPEN forum. Oh wait, there I go critiquing again. Sorry man.
No its all good, it is your way and I get that. If you want to bring up or broach a topic and it is not aligned with the thought process, the whole basis for unilateral derivation across a multitude of topics can be had.

For instance.... I wear a mask in hopes of helping the situation which is a big focus right now, but by that logic perhaps we all shouldn't be filling our over priced boats with gas and oil because of the whole fossil fuels, emissions and working conditions of those who mine the stuff, otherwise I don't care about those people. Or how about the parts in our boats that are made in sweat shops or by children in China. Hmmm I must not care about them either. As a general rule I am sure we all try to avoid that but those parts do creep in. See you can go round and round and round about this shit and that shit to no avail and then the meaning is lost.

I pick the battles that I want to and can deal with when they arise and hopefully along the way I add to the greater common good of society as a benefit in some small way. Right now the Pandemic is a big thing. We will see what next week, month and year bring.
No its all good, it is your way and I get that. If you want to bring up or broach a topic and it is not aligned with the thought process, the whole basis for unilateral derivation across a multitude of topics can be had.

For instance.... I wear a mask in hopes of helping the situation which is a big focus right now, but by that logic perhaps we all shouldn't be filling our over priced boats with gas and oil because of the whole fossil fuels, emissions and working conditions of those who mine the stuff, otherwise I don't care about those people. Or how about the parts in our boats that are made in sweat shops or by children in China. Hmmm I must not care about them either. As a general rule I am sure we all try to avoid that but those parts do creep in. See you can go round and round and round about this shit and that shit to no avail and then the meaning is lost.

I pick the battles that I want to and can deal with when they arise and hopefully along the way I add to the greater common good of society as a benefit in some small way. Right now the Pandemic is a big thing. We will see what next week, month and year bring.
Thanks for expounding. Good points.
Didn’t realize we had a covid thread!!!!

Using cotton handkerchiefs as face coverings to prevent inhaling airborne virus spores is akin to installing hog fencing around your yard to keep the bees away.

my first time I suited up and treated covid. This is his story, his words. Sorry in advance if you deem it not appropriate to this open forum or an act of persuasion. Not intended that way. More just giving greater detail to my experiences and to my thoughts on masks in general.
Okay, I started watching that and at first I thought it was a parody and the main dude was actually John C. Reily!
All this bullshit from one asshole who had to eat a bat......
@BigN8 If you didn't see my post about Bret Weinstein on Joe Rogan's podcast I encourage you to seek it out and watch. It's 3 hours long, but you can jump to 2 hours, 10 minutes in and he discusses it for 20-30 minutes. This guy is an evolutionary biologist and has an opinion about whether it came from a bat or not. Side note, China acknowledges it probably didn't come from the wet market.
Jesus Christ I was just trying to lighten the mood.... There is way too much criticism and debate on this freakin thread.
Jesus Christ I was just trying to lighten the mood.... There is way too much criticism and debate on this freakin thread.
Probably the timing. Don’t beat yourself up. It’s all good. It was clever, and witty though.
I can appreciate your stance, and have no problem with it. I am, by no means, downplaying the fact this thing is doing some damage. You said, “... if wearing a mask when out in places has "EVEN THE SLIGHTEST CHANCE" of helping in any way and possibly, no matter how remote, to help save a life or keep someone healthy, then that it is not a problem for us and we will continue to do it.” Again, that’s noble. But, where do you draw the line? Will you now continue to wear a mask for the rest of your life, wherever you go, no matter the circumstance because it has a slight chance of saving someone’s life? Because by your rationale, you will. If so, that’s your prerogative.

In a few of my other posts, I brought up smoking and abortion, you can even throw in car accidents and a multitude of other everyday life activities, that all include risk...many of which are a risk to others. So why don’t we get passionate about EVERYTHING that may cause risk to others and not just this one thing? The answer is not because its so contagious or because so many of people are dying from it. Because if you cared about the health of everybody, all the time, then all other activities involving risk to someone else would be regarded the same way. (I say “you” but I’m not directing it towards you...just using it as a generality).

If you believe the numbers the media and the CDC are spewing (which I don’t), even if u caught COVID, your chances of survival are anywhere between 96-98% (depending which source you use), and are even higher if your young, healthy, and have no underlying health conditions. Well, you ask, what about the old, unhealthy, and individuals with underlying conditions? I say, they can do whatever they want. Is it a good idea to distance themselves? Maybe. Wear masks? Maybe. What if they chose to live their life regardless of the risk? Their prerogative as well.

My whole point is, where do we draw the line? Are we going to wait until there are zero cases and zero deaths? Should we start building isolation camps? Are we going to enact Marshal Law and start flooding the streets with military vehicles to keep the people in check? That is a real quick way to get to living like Communist China.
If someone is concerned about getting it they can distance themselves and stay locked down. By all estimates of CDC and others given that not all infected are tested (and are they tests accurate? that's another question), the survival rate is 99-99.4. In our county I think 16 have died, and 14 were from 1 nursing home. I can tell you that here, the Grocery Stores (and Walmart Specifically) are constantly packed, and Home Depot and Lowes are constantly packed, yet the local restaurants were shut down for a month or more, and now at 50% capacity if they are even in business. It's a shame.
If someone is concerned about getting it they can distance themselves and stay locked down. By all estimates of CDC and others given that not all infected are tested (and are they tests accurate? that's another question), the survival rate is 99-99.4. In our county I think 16 have died, and 14 were from 1 nursing home. I can tell you that here, the Grocery Stores (and Walmart Specifically) are constantly packed, and Home Depot and Lowes are constantly packed, yet the local restaurants were shut down for a month or more, and now at 50% capacity if they are even in business. It's a shame.
I’m for the masks. I’ll admit I’m a Republican. Trump seemed anti masks at first, but gave the “what the hell do you have to lose” quote regarding hydroxide. Well, “what the hell do you have to lose” by wearing a mask?
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