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Despite all your valid points which I respect, I see the worst that could happen first hand the patients on vents being “flipped” on a schedule for weeks, I see patients that have trouble coming off ventilators having to have a tracheostomy or worse yet, those that their family has decided to withdraw care. Am I a little over reacting? Even I’m not sure, I’ve experienced more than I care too.
I'd like to find some data to understand the overall mortality rate since March. I have seen where ER visits are down 42%, attributed to people not wanting to visit and people also not doing things to cause a visit.

Some are suggesting that we are just kicking the can down the road as a result, with serious delays in diagnosis of cancer and other serious diseases (heart/pneumonia).
I'm with Robconn on this. The folks that end up in my ICU are SICK. More so than any other viral illness i've treated.

You are right, math doesn't lie, and in the last 2 weeks I've seen a dramatic increase in COVID19 hospitalizations. I'm giving you first hand data. Not "reports" from other places. And I don't think the young are protected applies any longer. I have people in their 40s on the vent. ER visits were doing during the initial months. Our ER is almost back to 100% volume. So now we have sick people from usual cases and more and more COVID19 cases. Math also applies to the number of beds we have.

I strongly believe one the main reasons we have such a discrepancy with other countries is our so called love for "freedom". Which I've seen turn into simply an excuse to be selfish and not be inconvenienced. Namely, the resistance to wear a freaking mask to protect others.
Despite all your valid points which I respect, I see the worst that could happen first hand the patients on vents being “flipped” on a schedule for weeks, I see patients that have trouble coming off ventilators having to have a tracheostomy or worse yet, those that their family has decided to withdraw care. Am I a little over reacting? Even I’m not sure, I’ve experienced more than I care too.
I just wanted to say thank you for all that you and your colleagues across this country and around the world are doing.
Because the world is such a small place, only a vaccine will put an end to this. In the meantime, what we do about it is all that really matters. Staying safe. Right?

I look at it like this. Let say I have a rash all over my body. Should I put the ointment only on certain parts (hoping it would take care of itself) or should I put it all over to knock it out knowing it may take multiple applications to finally be rid of this?
I will say medical resources are being diverted. It was problematic for other non covid patients when the focus was primarily on covid. Surgeries were postponed, I have seen on my shifts 2 individuals reluctant to be treated for what they had and by the time they arrived to the ED weeks later, it wasn’t long before they succumbed to sepsis. There is a tilting point to n healthcare. When covid fills up your ICU’s it affects the hospital as a whole. Hospitals are forced to ratchet down normal operations and open up more unit beds to accommodate the non covid emergencies that occur.
Not exactly sure when or where I heard this (but was a very long time ago): Greed is the root of all evil. This is definitely true. See it everyday.
Because the world is such a small place, only a vaccine will put an end to this. In the meantime, what we do about it is all that really matters. Staying safe. Right?

Vaccine's aren't 100%, although no denying that it is better. 60%-70% is what I have been told with the common flu. It helps prevent an hopefully minimizes, but does not guarantee you won't get it. What about the multitudes of people who don't vaccinate their kids nor themselves? No doubt this will be with us for quite a long time if not forever in one way shape or form.

Read on the news that there have been cases just recently of the plague discovered in China... Not sure if it is accurate or not, you know how the news is.
Former Allergan CEO was interviewed this morning - said 100+ trials are underway but we should not expect a vaccine until Q1 or Q2 - 2021. This is normally something that takes 10 years.

Also said, "The presence of disease kills people. The absence of livelihood also kills people."
To be honest I would agree with @Rockfords Fosgate on that point. In a way, rising cases are inevitable. There is no way to reopen a society and expect 0 growth in transmission. As a nation we cannot afford to remain closed indefinitely, and this virus isn’t something that will “go away”. I still look at the data with a skeptical eye, as you look globally the data do NOT add up, and this is a problem. Anyone looking at the numbers and agreeing with them is going to tell me that the US is uniquely susceptible to a virus? Not bloody likely, so then there is some other cause to us having over 33% of global cases and deaths? India has over a billion people and had similar lockdown measures to most US states, and began reopening mid May over 6 weeks ago. India has some of the highest population density in its low income urban areas, but only has 25% as many cases as the US? This does not jive, and hasn’t since we started seeing the US numbers skyrocket past the rest of the world. Math does not lie...
I can guarantee that there are WAY more cases of Corona in India than they are reporting. The slums in India are a disaster - there will be little to no testing going on for the poor there, and most will die with no known cause.

I founf this History.com article interesting in how the Spanish flu spread around the world in waves and how social distancing back their was their only method of containment.

We are in this for the long haul....thankfully this isn't anywhere near as deadly as the spanish flu!

Here is the next virus that could come our way: Flu virus with 'pandemic potential' found in China
I can guarantee that there are WAY more cases of Corona in India than they are reporting. The slums in India are a disaster - there will be little to no testing going on for the poor there, and most will die with no known cause.
I guess that's kind of what I'm saying, we look at this like we have it so much worse and it's because we don't do this or that, but in reality there aren't many trustworthy statistics out there that tell us where we stand. I wasn't necessarily using India as a standard, just saying that the numbers coming from there don't add up. Hell, the numbers coming from everywhere don't add up.
Numbers...talk about not adding up.
RFA and Guo Wengui said China was incinerating 1,200 bodies per day at its peak. If you look at the WHO dashboard today, it shows China with a grand total of 85k infections and 4.6k deaths. No joke...

I have little interest comparing infection, death or any other Covid-related metrics with anything coming from China. It's not useful or informative.
Numbers...talk about not adding up.
RFA and Guo Wengui said China was incinerating 1,200 bodies per day at its peak. If you look at the WHO dashboard today, it shows China with a grand total of 85k infections and 4.6k deaths. No joke...

I have little interest comparing infection, death or any other Covid-related metrics with anything coming from China. It's not useful or informative.
100% agree.....all you need to know is that our intelligence services were reporting that they were building berms across the roads to force quarantine (while at the same time saying "everything is fine!!) That basically says it all!

Chinese social distancing (no clue if this is a real quarantine berm, but the source said it was):

Operation Warp Speed Awards Novavax $1.6 Billion For COVID Vaccine.

Gaithersburg, Maryland-based Novavax said in a statement that initial production of 100 million doses would start in late 2020. The aim is to have millions of doses ready by January 2021.
Not exactly sure when or where I heard this (but was a very long time ago): Greed is the root of all evil. This is definitely true. See it everyday.

That's Biblical.
Operation Warp Speed Awards Novavax $1.6 Billion For COVID Vaccine.

Gaithersburg, Maryland-based Novavax said in a statement that initial production of 100 million doses would start in late 2020. The aim is to have millions of doses ready by January 2021.

A taxpayer funded vaccine that has drug companies scrambling for the billions of dollars that the government is handing out and shrinking the development time from years to less than one year and the vaccine manufacturer won't be held liable if their vaccine kills people, what can go wrong?
A taxpayer funded vaccine that has drug companies scrambling for the billions of dollars that the government is handing out and shrinking the development time from years to less than one year and the vaccine manufacturer won't be held liable if their vaccine kills people, what can go wrong?
I just wanted to say thank you for all that you and your colleagues across this country and around the world are doing.
I appreciate your kind words. Some days it’s a struggle.
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I'd like to find some data to understand the overall mortality rate since March. I have seen where ER visits are down 42%, attributed to people not wanting to visit and people also not doing things to cause a visit.

Some are suggesting that we are just kicking the can down the road as a result, with serious delays in diagnosis of cancer and other serious diseases (heart/pneumonia).
I agree delaying care for cancer treatments and Other equally serious maladies due to healthcares focus on covid is a major cause for concern. I will argue further, at the same time, you can’t automatically discount the number of individuals not adhering to wearing a mask in public are not accountable to some degree for the direction that the healthcare system has to take as a result. Simply put there are consequences for every action or inaction. Even if you don’t believe in the validity of wearing a mask, and believe the politicalization of it, media’s fear campaign, or think medical studies are flawed, at some degree, non compliance Has a greater cost. I too will not discount conspiracy theory of germ war fare or political agendas but safety for me comes first, just as simple as life jackets on my boat.
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