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Pic taken minutes prior to my first covid intubation. Patient was out of ICU 17 days later and still recovering. I worry about long term effects as well if one survives an initial exposure. I feel safe with PPE provided.

Your PPE looks on-point. Is that a PAPR or similar?
Flyte-Toga, can’t hear crap though, don’t have optional speaker/ headphones.
We got a guy at work that's younger. I guess tinder and similar sites are insane during lockdown and he been with new people every weekend this whole time. Glad i drive the truck. He's the type to spread this crap for real.
Your PPE looks on-point. Is that a PAPR or similar?
@Dixie Highway at the risk of sounding political I would like to say the following. As a rule of thumb people who support social ideas ( healthcare etc) have never lived socialism, but rather have been spoiled by this great country they happen to be born and take things for granted. If anyone wants to know about social-whatever, they should befriend someone who lived in the former eastern block.

It is also worth noting that in the US, if you show up in the ER you will be treated. In China ( larger socialist country at the moment) if you cannot provide a registration certificate ( or equivalent) you are not even allowed inside the hospital ( imagine being the second child during the one child policy which will automatically disqualify you from citizenship). They will let you die in-front of the hospital. That is socialism for you my friend, but nobody likes to talk about it. No different from the media pointing out how terrible Trump's response was to COVID-19, but nobody likes to talk about Sweden who pretty much said, "to bad, we are not closing the economy; good luck" . Just like to point out the double standards on our media.

For the record, I am not thrilled how the US handled the whole pandemic, but I still think it is everyone's interest to give the administration a chance to succeed in this battle.
it troubles me when I, the designated shopper, observe anyone not wearing a mask in public. I just know this won’t go away any time soon with the lack of concern or regard for ourselves, families, and friends in order to prove a point?
@Robconn, living in Arkansas most are not wearing PPE while shopping and many are actively in rebellion to doing so.

I need to protect my son. My family has been home since March 15th except for one short outing for my daughter. I am shopping about once every two weeks. I wear a face shield while shopping, maintain distance from others, frequently sanitizing with a spray bottle of isopropyl and only self checkout.

Despite staying home we are enjoying extra family time, eating well, have a garden growing and are enjoying life. We are looking forward to boating next week.

Thank you for the sacrifices that you are making to care for others!
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I appreciate your sincerity. Bought a Traeger grill and have enjoyed using it when I’m home. Been out on the boat once so far but will try to use it on weekdays to avoid boat traffic. It’s nice to invest in things that bring family together.
This is why I have a hard time trusting the Medical Profession, you would think you could hold them to a higher standard....... Its all about the cash...

Same type of people whom overbill and do improper dictations.
This is why I have a hard time trusting the Medical Profession, you would think you could hold them to a higher standard....... Its all about the cash...

Same type of people whom overbill and do improper dictations.
I get the gut reaction and the way to which the internet makes it easy to make such demonstrative statement, however, do you also distrust the entire legal profession because of ambulance chasers, or all plumbers because of some dishonest ones, or all teachers because some don’t have their kids’ best interests at heart, or all clergy because some are pedophiles?

Seriously, what you linked to is shameful, but to make such a broad statement about a profession is pure silliness. I work my ass off for my patients and my colleagues do the same each and every day. I don’t bilk the system or take advantage of my patients trust or dollars. Not sure where you worked before that made you so jaded, but you need to find a new place to live if that’s what you think goes on everywhere.
I get the gut reaction and the way to which the internet makes it easy to make such demonstrative statement, however, do you also distrust the entire legal profession because of ambulance chasers, or all plumbers because of some dishonest ones, or all teachers because some don’t have their kids’ best interests at heart, or all clergy because some are pedophiles?

I hate to sound cynical, but in a way I generally do distrust most of the examples given. In my limited experience, it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the entire crop, and in that regard for 99% of what I need done I’ll figure out how to do it myself before paying someone else to do things. I’ve given lawyers tens of thousands of dollars with no results, hired ”professionals” to do jobs, then wonder why with a mediocre result that I could have replicated easily. Please understand I’m sure you are a great medical professional, and most of them are. But human nature tends to put greater weight on negative results than positive ones.
@Troch1 Thanks for abrasiveness directed at me. You may be a good medical professional or you may not be, no way to really tell. Would I trust you outright since you say you are, absolutely not, especially with my health or that of my families. I do due diligence on everything. I am not jaded, I am realistic. It does go on everywhere, I had been in the field of medical compliance and had to testify time and time again regarding patient records and data that we uncovered, from all over the U.S., from some well known Physicians as well and hospitals. Does that mean everyone is out of line, no. I do not walk around blindly trusting any profession, until I have done my own vetting, which could be the plumber, the Dentist, Doctor or the guy who sold me my boat or anything else for that matter. I don't subscribe to euphoric ideals.

But none the less I am sure you are Ok because you say so. The Medical professionals I use don't find the need to self proclimate. They want you to do your due diligence on them and be comfortable on results, not because they say they are good and trustworthy. But hey you never know I may have to look for new ones if I ever find a new place to live as you suggest.
I appreciate your candor despite the overt negativity. The fact that we can have a discussion with different viewpoints is enough for me. We have medical licenses which obligates us to ethical standards of care. I can assure you none of them have a future in the medical field if convicted of a felony crime. That’s how it works. Now, they are at the mercy of the legal system and how much they can afford to pay. It’s a personal choice, good and evil, the duality of man. The medical profession is like others in that there is a full spectrum of personalities and skill sets. A few will be self serving while the majority strives for the best outcome for their patient’s. Do I require your trust as a patient in order for me to perform my duties? Of course not. Just makes my job unpleasant at times. I’ll still uphold my professional obligations And respect your honest opinions. Semper Fi
@Troch1 Thanks for abrasiveness directed at me. You may be a good medical professional or you may not be, no way to really tell. Would I trust you outright since you say you are, absolutely not, especially with my health or that of my families. I do due diligence on everything. I am not jaded, I am realistic. It does go on everywhere, I had been in the field of medical compliance and had to testify time and time again regarding patient records and data that we uncovered, from all over the U.S., from some well known Physicians as well and hospitals. Does that mean everyone is out of line, no. I do not walk around blindly trusting any profession, until I have done my own vetting, which could be the plumber, the Dentist, Doctor or the guy who sold me my boat or anything else for that matter. I don't subscribe to euphoric ideals.

But none the less I am sure you are Ok because you say so. The Medical professionals I use don't find the need to self proclimate. They want you to do your due diligence on them and be comfortable on results, not because they say they are good and trustworthy. But hey you never know I may have to look for new ones if I ever find a new place to live as you suggest.

HO, I honestly do not care if you if believe I am "OK." As a physician, I'll treat you or your family the same whether I think you're a good person or an arse. As a person and professional based in science, evidence, and logic, I certainly hope you'd do your due diligence when your health and family is involved. However, as a human, it's got to be somewehat lonely and sad to assume the worst of everyone, essentially assuming guilty until proven otherwise. Perhaps if we all gave people the benefit of the doubt that they will do the right thing (which amazingly is what happens the overwhelming majority of the time) then we'd be a much happier society with fewer of the divisions that our society currently has.
@Troch1 Thanks man for the continual dialogue...... TBH it is somewhat tiring. I have read your other posts and they all have the same tonality and theme even to other members posts. I get your type. Its all good.
@Troch1 Thanks man for the continual dialogue...... TBH it is somewhat tiring. I have read your other posts and they all have the same tonality and theme even to other members posts. I get your type. Its all good.
What do you mean by type?
@Julian you know how deeply I respect your opinion in the context of this forum and how much I admire your and your brother's decision of sailing half way to Florida to deliver fuel to Lakeboy. However to think that a socialist United States of America will a bigger Belgium or Sweden is naive. At the end of the day everything is a package deal and their is a reason why so many people choose the USA package rather than the Sweden package. It is that package that makes this country the healthiest country in the world because for most part its population is not forced to pay for other people's poor choices in life.

I recently celebrated my 20th year in the US, and it saddens me to see how this country has changed. I can understand and respect the Soviet Union or China to try to take down the US, but seeing its own citizens to deliberately undermine the principles that made this country great is a huge disappointment. I always thought self sabotaging is an uniquely Greek disease, but it seems I was wrong.

I am not sure this is tragic irony or herd type stupidity or hypocrisy; yet it still breaks me heart to see people protesting for the rights of minorities while it is well known fact that minorities are the ones suffering the most from Covid19. You pack thousands of people and then make them scream on each other faces. This is like covid19 heaven for God's sake.
Ask any epidemiologist or statistician and they will tell you far more people will end up in the hospital as direct consequence of protesting than a result of police "brutality". But that is okay because there is no camera capturing me getting in my Tesla, driving out of my gated community, spread germs around and then go back to my million dollar house while the receipting of my germs has to suffer 10 days later in some inner city hospital. No that does not matter because just like I volunteer once a year during Christmas, now I also have show that I care about minorities whenever there is a virus video while spending the remaining 364 days a year in gated community with my blue eye blonde spouse. Spreading germs to someone who has 5 times the chance of serious complication than me, does not matter. What matter is that I have a picture on facebook to show that I am supportive. Then comes November and mail ballot or not, I am voting for the guy who makes my 401K increase.

As some of you know my very own kids are mixed and at times being treated by their looks than the contain of their character, but that takes nothing away from the greatness of this country. The human brain is designed by nature ( or God) to use stereotyping as means of survival and cognitive efficacy. This is not racism; this is survival 101 from our ancestors the caveman. Do you know how many times I have been stopped in airports for "random check' after 9/11? I always cooperated and the end I said " thank you trying to keep us safe". Not once it crossed my mind that the FBI in Rome or Paris, Berlin or London was being racist towards me. Even in August of 2019 and 18 years later, I was hand picked out of my family to be questioned. I know the FBI agent has to inconvenience 100 good people to catch that one as*hole who wants to harm my kids. THE officer only has name and the fact that my facial hair touches my eyes. He/she cannot know what is inside my mind. I could go around and make a scene for systemic discrimination OR I could demonstrate that people who look like me have ZERO intention of harming anyone. A saint is saint because it is benchmark with other humans, but compared to God a saint is a sinner. Why compare US to the ideal and not to other countries? My family will choose US style "police brutality" and "racism" over any social country dangling free healthcare like a carrot.

@Julian I re read this and boy it sounds political, but I cannot help myself. Please, feel free to apply forum rules as an admin. I don't take it that you are strong arming me, I know better than that ;)
This isn't partisan, so perfectly ok to discuss. What we are trying to avoid is partisan fights, personal attacks etc. Logical discourse is encouraged. Party flag waving no.

We'll have to disagree on a lot of fronts. I will never agree that a for profit company will look out for my healthcare better than a government backed program. I will also never agree that a for profit (only) system is better than a combination of both. What I mean here is that the ACA was designed to leverage the best of both. Have a marketplace so people can chose which companies to go with for their healthcare. The problem with the ACA is that far too many States intentionally sabotaged it for partisan reasons. It was designed by Republicans, and I like its design. It actually copies the Israeli system - which from my experience talking to Israelis alot (I go there often for work and have lots of employees there I talk to daily) is a great system.

How does the Israeli system work? Everyone pays taxes that earn money (same as everywhere). The government gives everyone a healthcare fund that they can use to pay for a government approved HMO (there are 4 of them). These HMOs are effectively paid for by the government but they are operated somewhat independently (I'm not totally clear on how that works). Then you chose which HMO to use. If one performs badly, you switch to a different one. This drives quality. You can also buy supplemental insurance if you want, for example, chiropractic coverage. But everyone has base insurance and preventative coverage. The key here is the preventative coverage part. In the US not everyone has preventative coverage. So what happens....you get sick and go to the ER. The ER is the MOST EXPENSIVE place to get treatment in the entire system. So US healthcare costs keep climbing - because we are stupid. You and I pay for this stupidity in our ever climbing HC costs.

So no, its not just about have and have nots, its about smart vs dumb systems. But there is indeed a moral factor at play too. Should we let poor people go home to die because they don't want to bankrupt their families? Pretty sick to say "sure...f@#$ em", and still call ourselves a modern, Christian caring society.

As for racism - it is alive and well everywhere. Blacks get longer prison sentences for the same crimes as whites, are convicted more often for the same crimes, get parole less often, get paid less, etc etc. I hope you aren't attempting to say systemic racism doesn't exist in the US. If you are saying that, you aren't reading much, or are selectively reading what confirms your bias.
Well everything will basically open back up on Monday, here in Michigan. Figure 2 weeks or so to see what the result is. Restaurants are supposed to be 50% but I have seen bars and clubs packed through the window with people clamoring to get in. If the trend follows other states we will be going down hill again. This all sucks bad.
Well everything will basically open back up on Monday, here in Michigan. Figure 2 weeks or so to see what the result is. Restaurants are supposed to be 50% but I have seen bars and clubs packed through the window with people clamoring to get in. If the trend follows other states we will be going down hill again. This all sucks bad.
As long as we keep tabs on it and don't overwhelm the hospitals it should be ok. The more people wear masks, the slower it will spread too. Pity people just don't get that. No masks aren't flawless, but they do help.
I agree on the Masks, they do help. But I see alot of people not wearing them and arguing with store owners and getting into fights. I watched a women go into kroger's with a mask on but her infant and two young children had nothing on. I am beside myself with this logic..... When she was questioned by the Kroger watch guy at the door she yelled at him and kept going.

I wear a mask every where when I am out, it is hanging from my review mirror. I don't want to catch it, and god forbid I get it and don't know and give it to someone or a member of my family that has the gravest of outcomes. Nothing is perfect or guaranteed, but if it helps I am all for it.
Yeah, masks work. Sadly 50% of people I see out and about are not using masks. Frustrating.
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