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It's nice to see an article that actually explores some of causes rather than subscribing to the rage bait of policital reasoning.

I wear a mask, but I am also not quick to condemn those who don't. After all, should we all judge each other for the things we do?
Have you ever:
  1. Driven too fast
  2. Checked your texts while driving
  3. Swerved into the other line while preoccupied with something else
  4. Towed someone behind your boat just a little too fast
  5. Gone to work 'sick'
All of these things are simple examples where we have chosen to take a course of action that might have endangered someone else. Every single day we have countless examples. We are all guilty.

Everyone has an individual risk criteria, subject to countless parameters. I am not someone to interject my beliefs into their calculus, especially into something as personal and fundamental as breathing the air.
I've always considered the users of this forum on a higher level intellectually and most generally very knowledgeable about most things. I've been watching this virus from the beginning as I'm sure most on here have as well. The headlines lately seem to have changed their tune. I know the media is in the business of shock and awe in order to hold our attention in order to sell us cars, drugs, insurance, etc. But, it just seems like it is a snowball that is about to get some serious mass to it.

What is everyone's thoughts on this virus?
Should we start prepping?
What will you do to prep if it comes to that?
Stock up on food? What kinds of food?

I'm no chicken little, and I don't think this is the end of the world by any stretch. Just curious of some of the other thoughts on the matter? I can say for certainty I will not be on a cruise ship anytime soon!
@BigN8 trying to avoid politics. My background is science, there are two physicians in the family. What follows is my OPINION. The numbers may be shown to increase lately this is due to greater testing. On a normal Flu year there are 50x the people who show symptoms who would test positive if there was mass testing for the Flu. Regarding C19 - 90% of those exposed do not know it, of the remaining 10% half will feel like they have a common Flu. The remaining half will experience respiratory involvement of greater significance. Some will die - mostly elderly or those with known or unknown underlying health issues. For decades we have misused antibiotics, steroids and other medicines. This has allowed super bugs, viruses and other biologics to develop resistance. Viruses are the ultimate warriors as they mutate frequently both as a response to stimuli (medications) and randomly - think how hard it is to guess which Flu vaccine to use each year. 75% of the world lives in overcrowded unsanitary conditions. Africa, China, India - cities of tens of millions, with humans stacked on top of one another. Three or four generations of families living under one roof. Failing health systems, malnutrition, overcrowding.......C19 will not be the last of this. We have to realize that we can not shut down the world and that there will be loss of human life. One could suggest that this is Mother Nature's last attempt to save a vastly overcrowded planet? Interesting topic for a jet boat forum!
@BigN8 trying to avoid politics. My background is science, there are two physicians in the family. What follows is my OPINION. The numbers may be shown to increase lately this is due to greater testing. On a normal Flu year there are 50x the people who show symptoms who would test positive if there was mass testing for the Flu. Regarding C19 - 90% of those exposed do not know it, of the remaining 10% half will feel like they have a common Flu. The remaining half will experience respiratory involvement of greater significance. Some will die - mostly elderly or those with known or unknown underlying health issues. For decades we have misused antibiotics, steroids and other medicines. This has allowed super bugs, viruses and other biologics to develop resistance. Viruses are the ultimate warriors as they mutate frequently both as a response to stimuli (medications) and randomly - think how hard it is to guess which Flu vaccine to use each year. 75% of the world lives in overcrowded unsanitary conditions. Africa, China, India - cities of tens of millions, with humans stacked on top of one another. Three or four generations of families living under one roof. Failing health systems, malnutrition, overcrowding.......C19 will not be the last of this. We have to realize that we can not shut down the world and that there will be loss of human life. One could suggest that this is Mother Nature's last attempt to save a vastly overcrowded planet? Interesting topic for a jet boat forum!
There will be casualties affect by covid. As hospitals are over capacitated the ability to seek treatment will be challenging at best. So the mortality count will rise and not be included with covid numbers. Scary stuff.
There will be casualties affect by covid. As hospitals are over capacitated the ability to seek treatment will be challenging at best. So the mortality count will rise and not be included with covid numbers. Scary stuff.
@Robconn .....one of the problems we are having in Canada is that funding is attached to C19 deaths as it pertains to clean-up protocols. Claims of over reporting for funding are surfacing as are claims that non-related (to C19) deaths are also being misreported as C19. I am hearing the same thing is happening in the U.S. - again, attached to funding and that several States Attorneys are investigating. There has been so much hysteria and mismanagement of this virus that we will probably never know the true extent. In my opinion that alleged deaths due to C19 are being substantially over-reported.
I can only compare my local county’s mortality rate with my specific locality. So far it’s on track. I can not speak for other jurisdictions. When there is government reimbursement for covid diagnosis it invites corruption at different levels. Trouble I see short term is the inaccuracies in testing making it harder to diagnose. Healthcare facilities will also check cat-scan results, and ferratine levels despite subsequent negative PCR swabs.
In related news, spend a few minutes catching up on li-meng yan. She’s a Chinese researcher who fled Hong Kong...with first hand knowledge of what truly happened over there.
@Robconn .....one of the problems we are having in Canada is that funding is attached to C19 deaths as it pertains to clean-up protocols. Claims of over reporting for funding are surfacing as are claims that non-related (to C19) deaths are also being misreported as C19. I am hearing the same thing is happening in the U.S. - again, attached to funding and that several States Attorneys are investigating. There has been so much hysteria and mismanagement of this virus that we will probably never know the true extent. In my opinion that alleged deaths due to C19 are being substantially over-reported.
It's nice to see an article that actually explores some of causes rather than subscribing to the rage bait of policital reasoning.

I wear a mask, but I am also not quick to condemn those who don't. After all, should we all judge each other for the things we do?
Have you ever:
  1. Driven too fast
  2. Checked your texts while driving
  3. Swerved into the other line while preoccupied with something else
  4. Towed someone behind your boat just a little too fast
  5. Gone to work 'sick'
All of these things are simple examples where we have chosen to take a course of action that might have endangered someone else. Every single day we have countless examples. We are all guilty.

Everyone has an individual risk criteria, subject to countless parameters. I am not someone to interject my beliefs into their calculus, especially into something as personal and fundamental as breathing the air.
simply put, my first post was born out of my direct experiences and concern with covid. And yeah, I do have strong feelings concerning mask in public as I am a front line healthcare worker. That being said, it doesn’t give me the right to condemn anyone for non-compliance wearing a mask. I certainly do not condone it either. I am overtly conflicted over it. Risking my health and then seeing the general public not so concerned. You can at the very least empathize? No? That is unfortunate. Instead, you felt compelled to subtlety call me out for condemning people due to the tone of my post being affront to your core principles. Which my intention was not at all what you perceived. My overall point was that the healthcare system is a reactionary one. I was stating how the healthcare system will be impacted by increasing numbers of covid due to non compliance. I completely understand if that’s not your belief. You want to champion for the rights of citizens not wearing masks, I applaud you for it. If that’s your passion. It was not my intent to offend you. Only to express intellectual viewpoints. The harsh reality is you can’t have it both ways, freedom to not wear a mask and expect a normal healthcare system. I never want to shame anyone into wearing a mask either. It’s just a statement based on my experience. That’s all. However, I want to sympathize with your position. The fact that you felt that way I will admit it I certainly came across that way. I do appreciate the attention you have given my post and your honesty of how you perceived them. Your input has given me helpful insight and I am better for it. I will be more careful of the future content I post. It is with the utmost respect, I truly wish you well and look forward to reading your posts.
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Hi @Robconn. While my post was directly after yours, I was simply offering up a perspective that I thought was appropriate in the context....not directly aimed at you.

I certainly empathize with your position, regarding being on the front lines and encountering those without masks. In the same position I may have similar viewpoints.

I live with and care for immediate family members with advanced bronchiectasis and ALS. The harsh realities of this world are not lost on me. I do everything possible to protect them, which in the grand scheme of things, ain't much.

Health and happiness. Enjoy your freedoms (sincerely).
I appreciate the response. Like many, I have foregone certain freedoms that I now guilty once took for granite. Examples are, eating at restaurants, going to movies, or just being in public without a mask. Currently, I am quarantined as a precaution in my own home as well. I now deeply treasure those simple actions. I’m sure you have similar experiences. I view these experiences as inconveniences not oppression. It’s a fine line between personal rights versus community health. I’m sure it’s the same argument in reverse with lesser considerations for our fellow man; I can only define it as more ego centric in nature. Once again, your exchanges have helped me tremendously. I am in a better place. Thank you.
Some commentary about opening schools.

Former Stanford Neuroradiology Chief Dr. Scott Atlas weighed on Wednesday, claiming that distance learning has been a "failure" and studies show kids do not transmit the virus.

“Of course, we can [reopen schools.] Everyone else in the world and the western world, our peer nations are doing it. We are the outlier here.”

“If you believe in science, science says that 99.97 percent of deaths in the United States are in people over 15, 99.9 are people over 24. The hospitalization rate for influenza according to the CDC is much greater than from COVID-19 for children."
Are the teachers, staff and bus drivers under the age of 15? What about middle and high school?
That is the thorny question. How do we maintain child and young adult development while protecting elder adults.

But to answer your second question, he said 99.9% of the Covid deaths are from people 25+.
I wear masks almost my entire 12 hr shift. I am safer at work due to 100% conformity of masks and protective gear than when out in the general public. I reassured my brother, a custodian who faces the same dilemma. like my facility, schools should screen everyone at the entrance for symptoms, hand out a simple mask, and send the symptomatic students home until the have a Doctors note to return. That is a huge undertaking and essential for a close to normal operation of any facility. I don’t discount the option of home school either.
I understand the urgency to get the little ones back to school. I get it, I do. I also understand and value everyone in the school system that make this possible. We're entering another phase of what we MUST and MUST NOT do while C19 exist. Really hate that we're all guinea pigs in this experiment.
It's an unavoidable mess. I can't imagine the stress that some of the 'mature' teachers and staff are under. The virus itself is a concern, but now they have to talk and instruct through a mask, all-day-every-day.

Between a deviated septum and the mask, it's a struggle for me. Has anyone worn a pulse oximeter while wearing a mask doing something with exertion? I might try it while push mowing this week (at least for 10 minutes or so). My hypothesis is that I will drop to 92-93%.

In my county all school staff are required to wear masks unless in some sort of designated safe zone. The children are expected, but not required to wear a mask. Interested to see how this works out.
Can anyone explain why no one has a problem with sending kids to daycare? What's the difference between school and daycare where kids and staff aren't required to wear a mask. Has there been outbreaks at any daycares? My wife is a daycare director and she's well over 25 and most of her staff is over 25 and they aren't required to wear masks.
Can anyone explain why no one has a problem with sending kids to daycare? What's the difference between school and daycare where kids and staff aren't required to wear a mask. Has there been outbreaks at any daycares? My wife is a daycare director and she's well over 25 and most of her staff is over 25 and they aren't required to wear masks.
Lots of people probably have a problem with that. Day care is a private business though and is generally "optional", although I understand for many people it is the only option.

If public schools open then all kids have to go back or be left behind their peers. Parents don't get a choice.
Lots of people probably have a problem with that. Day care is a private business though and is generally "optional", although I understand for many people it is the only option.

If public schools open then all kids have to go back or be left behind their peers. Parents don't get a choice.
My point in that having kids go back to school is becoming a political issue and it's all over the news with "experts" saying it's a bad idea only because one side of government is pushing it. There is no difference between sending kids to school and to daycare, but yet the "experts" aren't saying anything about daycares because it's not a political issue.

Every school district in my area is giving the option of homeschooling so no one will be left behind if parents choose not to send their kids to school.
My point in that having kids go back to school is becoming a political issue and it's all over the news with "experts" saying it's a bad idea only because one side of government is pushing it. There is no difference between sending kids to school and to daycare, but yet the "experts" aren't saying anything about daycares because it's not a political issue.

Every school district in my area is giving the option of homeschooling so no one will be left behind if parents choose not to send their kids to school.
I don't care about the politics one way or the other, and maybe you just mean that they aren't screaming about it in the media, but at least some experts have addressed daycare.

I don't care about the politics one way or the other, and maybe you just mean that they aren't screaming about it in the media, but at least some experts have addressed daycare.

That is exactly what I mean, the media could care less because it's not political hot topic and when I mentioned experts, I didn't know how to do air quotes, lol

I know there are guidelines, my wife complains about them everyday because not only does she have to follow the CDC guidelines, she has two state agencies that have their own set of rules.
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