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Funny/Crazy/Weird things you see Posted on FaceBook (no politics or controversial topics please)

I know there was talk of this here on the forum, but I haven't seen it posted, and it just showed up in my feed. Seriously unbelievable!

Holy Hell....Just light that bitch on fire at this point!!
Really, Really want this....

Cool stuff from Downunder.

Wow! Nice Trout!

The reported could have done some background on the story.

I doubt if there will be any attempt at salvage. The Coast Guard supervised the removal of all the hazardous fuels, liquids, materials before the towing. Boat was also sunk in 800 feet of water. Estimated salvage value, before sinking, was under $400,000.

That video is at least 5 years old. It resurfaces all the time.
Come hell or frozen water, we’ll get there.

The reported could have done some background on the story.

I doubt if there will be any attempt at salvage. The Coast Guard supervised the removal of all the hazardous fuels, liquids, materials before the towing. Boat was also sunk in 800 feet of water. Estimated salvage value, before sinking, was under $400,000.

Damn shame that they did not have the opportunity to remove more equipment before dragging out to sea. First and foremost, we don't need to pollute the ocean any more than necessary but also, that's a lot of wasted money.
Ran across this on the internet a few days ago,


Damn if that isn’t one of the most adorable dogs I’ve ever seen.

I don't want to hear another single comment about needing a Ferd FteeennFiddy to tow a jet boat.
