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House battery not charging - Yamaha 242LS

I doubt it. Do you have an onboard charger? Or do you charge the battery when it is off the water with a portable charger? If not that is why your house battery is not charged well.

As far as overheat alarms go, please provide more details.
Is your boat used in salt water? If so have have you been flushing the engines with a Salt Away product ?
Is there water coming out of the Pilot water outlets?
When does the overheat alarm come in? Idle, cruising, running fast, on the hose? We have seen members report over heat in all those conditions.
How many hours on the boat?
Are you the original owner?
I don’t have on board charger
Will charge it with a portable charger
Im the second owner it was used on fresh water for 50 hours (when I bought it)
I used it in salt water and always flush the engines with salt away
Water flows well by the pissers outlets
The overheat warning comes suddenly running fast or slow
I checked both engines temperatures with an IR termometer gun when warning (always same port side engine) and the temperatures in both readings were very similar
You do charge the batteries with a portable charger, or you intend on it?
I don’t have on board charger
Will charge it with a portable charger
Im the second owner it was used on fresh water for 50 hours (when I bought it)
I used it in salt water and always flush the engines with salt away
Water flows well by the pissers outlets
The overheat warning comes suddenly running fast or slow
I checked both engines temperatures with an IR termometer gun when warning (always same port side engine) and the temperatures in both readings were very similar
I meant the IRT both reading in both engines were almost the same and showing normal running engines temperatures
I Just ordered the 3 temperature sensors, I hope finishing that issue
The warning came back with both full charged batteries
When the overheating warning came the temperature readings with the IR gun in both engines were almost identical (temperature were checked in both enginees at the block, exhaust manifold and other same part)


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