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Impeller change out-6 point or 12 point 27MM for impeller

FSH 210 Sport

Jetboaters Fleet Admiral
Reaction score
Tranquility Base
Boat Make
Boat Model
FSH Sport
Boat Length

My high altitude impellers are on their way to my house and I was reviewing this thread https://jetboaters.net/threads/how-to-remove-the-impellers-for-dummies.3811/page-2 to get as prepared as possible.

Question for those who have swapped out impellers, do you use a 6 or 12 point 27mm box end on the impeller ?

My boat (2020 210 FSH Sport) has just about 100 hours on the engines, the overwhelming majority of those hours are at idle / trolling. I bought 4 tubes of EPNOC grease, the Loctite 572 thread sealer, just need to pick up the anaerobic gasket maker and molybdenum disulfide grease for the splined end of the shaft.

Any other insights would be greatly appreciated as this is the first time I’ve done this. Really appreciate @Julians comment in that thread about it only taking 15 mins per engine and just removing the 5 bolts. I’m decent on the wrenches, my friend who is going to help me is a long time marine mechanic (and is my avid boating partner). We are both anxious / excited about installing these impellers to get the rpm’s closer to rated rpms.

Thanks in advance!