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o2 sensor CEL question, port side engine


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hey new to forum, I am having an issue with an annoying check engine light on my boat. the boat is a 2015 AR240 Yamaha. The check engine light and alarm will come on immediately after starting the engine in question. it doesn't matter if I disconnect the batteries, leave them for even a day, it will come back immediately after starting the engine. I have taken the boat to a dealership to have them troubleshoot the issue , they even hooked water up to the boat and they told me that it was the port side o2 sensor. I suspected an o2 sensor being the issue before I took the boat there, but what has me puzzled is even if I swap o2 sensor with the other engine, the port side is still the engine light that comes on. any thoughts? my boat has a cat , so I have 2 o2 sensors. I have tried swapping them around. the dealership did clear the codes and told me to bring it to the lake, which I did but the code came back after about 5 minutes of running it. engines both seem to run fine.
Did you ever find and or fix your check engine issue. I went out last week and I had a check starboard engine alarm come on just after leaving the no wake zone. I could silence the alarm for awhile but would come back on. Thanks for any help.
Same issue here. Did either of you resolve this?
My 2016 SX240 does the exact same thing you're talking about. I'm taking it in on Monday to have them look at it it's been doing it now off and on for a month or 2.
Any luck with this? I've got the same code on both motors now!
Any luck with this? I've got the same code on both motors now!
It was something to do with the control module that controls the no wake in a cruise control. The knob that controls the volume and has the 2 buttons underneath it for the cruise underneath the wires were corroded or something.
Afternoon all - had the same issue last year - alarm going off and both engines running like a dream - no issues.
the dealership replaced one front sensor in the fall, i put the boat in this summer and the check engine alarm came back on - then shortly thereafter the alarm sounded for the other motor - then both alarms would sound - back & forth - i just silence them.
I took back to the Marina again and they said that i need the two back sensors - my boat is a 2015 as well and only has 75 hours on it - i trailer it and we only run in fresh water lakes (lake Erie) there are several reasonable responses - from cleaning the O2 sensors, to tightening them (due to vibration), etc. At $269 per sensor / $1400 repair bill and a 3 hour drive to the dealer i just want it fixed - i've seen the control module noted in other forums as a potential resolution before
Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions? And i'm pretty handy - perhaps I could change the sensors myself and save a few $$?
It was something to do with the control module that controls the no wake in a cruise control. The knob that controls the volume and has the 2 buttons underneath it for the cruise underneath the wires were corroded or something.

did this resolve your issue - like a percent fix?
Afternoon all - had the same issue last year - alarm going off and both engines running like a dream - no issues.
the dealership replaced one front sensor in the fall, i put the boat in this summer and the check engine alarm came back on - then shortly thereafter the alarm sounded for the other motor - then both alarms would sound - back & forth - i just silence them.
I took back to the Marina again and they said that i need the two back sensors - my boat is a 2015 as well and only has 75 hours on it - i trailer it and we only run in fresh water lakes (lake Erie) there are several reasonable responses - from cleaning the O2 sensors, to tightening them (due to vibration), etc. At $269 per sensor / $1400 repair bill and a 3 hour drive to the dealer i just want it fixed - i've seen the control module noted in other forums as a potential resolution before
Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions? And i'm pretty handy - perhaps I could change the sensors myself and save a few $$?
I’m having the same sort of issue; boat runs fine but dang CEL keeps coming on and beeping. What ended up being your fix please?
I’m having the same sort of issue; boat runs fine but dang CEL keeps coming on and beeping. What ended up being your fix please?

That member hasn’t been around since the day he joined, 09-28-22. Did you see @Drift Away ‘s post?
I’m having the same sort of issue; boat runs fine but dang CEL keeps coming on and beeping. What ended up being your fix please?
What is the fix for these sensors that keep triggering alarm? They aren't cheap...
What o2 sensor code 202 521103..? I believe this might be after catalytic converter?
As mentioned in the other forum (don't waste any time over there, all the 4-stroke folks have come over here)

Swap them with the starboard side for testing purposes. It's the beauty of twin engines. And once you find the part number on partzilla, or wherever do a google or amazon search. You will be amazed at how generic O2 sensors can be. A third party sensor could be a fraction of the price.

Quick tip, O2 sensors can be seized due to the heat cycles. Be prepared to use big-boy tools and be sure to use anti-seize when replacing. The last thing you want to do is break one off, or strip out the threads. JBweld and a tap are not fun on a manifold.

Good luck,
As mentioned in the other forum (don't waste any time over there, all the 4-stroke folks have come over here)

Swap them with the starboard side for testing purposes. It's the beauty of twin engines. And once you find the part number on partzilla, or wherever do a google or amazon search. You will be amazed at how generic O2 sensors can be. A third party sensor could be a fraction of the price.

Quick tip, O2 sensors can be seized due to the heat cycles. Be prepared to use big-boy tools and be sure to use anti-seize when replacing. The last thing you want to do is break one off, or strip out the threads. JBweld and a tap are not fun on a manifold.

Good luck,
Trying to see if anyone knows or has chart of codes I provided 202. 52 1103 can pin point the exact bad sensor