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One picture of your last outing.

Nice and calm on Lake Simcoe this morning. We decided to have a little fun and try knee surfingimage.jpg image.jpgimage.jpg
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Knee surfing? Sounds ridiculously awesome.
Corsons Inlet just south of Ocean City,NJ


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It's official, this was the last outing for the year on my boat. Camping on South Holston. Now it's time to get busy on my Bronco once again.
You guys are way too cool!

Here are my captains.

Some pics from our last weekend of boating for the season. Blue angels were in town so it was nice being away from the crowd. This has been our first summer with the boat and had a blast. Now on to the winter upgrades. FullSizeRender-3.jpg IMG_3303.JPG FullSizeRender-2.jpg FullSizeRender.jpg
@Monterro the first pic looks like a zup board. We have one and you probably already know this, but we learned pulling from the tower gives a much bouncier ride.

Pulling from the low tow point gives a more stable ride.

For us, it depends what the rider is looking for.
@Kennc No I actually did not know that. This was the first weekend using it. No one could get up on the wakeboard I had so decided to get this one. My 11 year had no issue standing up on the zup but I could not at all. Definitely will keep that in mind next year. Thanks
Sunday, September 20th, cruising at 40+ mph on the return trip from Old Sacramento. The air temp was just over 100 degrees. I can't think of a better way to end a boating season.
beach_2.jpg Our number of lake days are winding down...so enjoying it while we can.
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Here are mine from my last outing at Hampton, VA
@Jr15g Where is that at in Hampton, Va. I'm thinking of checking out that side of the water next year. We live out in Va beach and been going to some spots out there but I keep it a Little creek which is not that far from the HRBT.