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Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

I have neighbors who aren't allowed to sit next to me around the firepit. They really do seem to possess this skill.
LOL, I too have this particular skill. Glad to know I'm not alone. :rolleyes:
Funny, that ship sailed off into the horizon years ago, 60yo in a couple of weeks, but you are right, I miss teaching Kids. I used to coach hockey to teens in the mid 80's, led them to their first State championship. But I will never be known as a Dad to any humans, only dogs. :winkingthumbsup"

No crying over spilt milk, besides all I have to teach is patience. Farming and sugarbush maintenance as well as a newfound sailing/refit hobby. That being said Farming talk and sailor talk are very similar. Not sure I'd teach either. Kiddin.
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Y'all have a healthy socially distant Thankgiving's day, limited to 10. ;)

Zipper's next boat...LOL ;)
