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Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

I don't get it.......can someone explain?

I’m not sure but let me take a shot at it,

A caveman is generally thought of as a simpleton or uneducated or unenlightened person, much like the Geico commercials tried to so humorously promote.

It’s so easy to vote even a caveman can do it, or a dead person or an illegal alien or a ballot harvester or someone who finds a ballot in a mailbox and sends it in…..
The choice the caveman has made is uniformed or stupid to rest of “enlightened” society,

As I have become more woke, I’ll have to admit this has caused to reflect on the “caveman”. I starting to wonder if our society isn’t issuing micro-aggressions at the least or instituting a systematic racism towards his memory at the most, I mean really, “Caveman”, is it really to hard to call him by his proper identifier “Neanderthal”. They say he went extinct but obviously there was some connection to Cro-Magnum man and lets not forget he figured out how live for 300,000 years without heat/AC, computers, clocks, calendars or even gun powder. Neanderthal man, I’m sorry, will never refer to @Betik as a “Cavey” or ask him to scream “Captain Caaaaavemaaaaan!!” again (even if Claire is a Teen Angel), the greeks only hung on for 350 yrs and that is a slight against all Neanderthals. It's not ok for us to mock him just because he's not around anymore.

Either way or even another way, I’m a little disappointed that the post was made on a thread that even in it’s title says “nothing political” and where even the mere presence of a flag in the background or wrong color hat will trigger members to hit the “report” button.

With our recent election cycles being close to 50/50 and by including a meme that seems to say “stupid people vote, just look at the results” is not the way to promote camaraderie on our board.

Stupid people (aka Cavemen… I’m sorry, Neanderthals) buy pilot house, sail and wake boats. Let’s find camaraderie and unite against them !
(accept of course during tuna, blue berry season and calm summer mornings)


Not gonna lie....you had me in the first part there.
I’m not sure but let me take a shot at it,

A caveman is generally thought of as a simpleton or uneducated or unenlightened person, much like the Geico commercials tried to so humorously promote...

Stupid people (aka Cavemen… I’m sorry, Neanderthals) buy pilot house, sail and wake boats. Let’s find camaraderie and unite against them !
(accept of course during tuna, blue berry season and calm summer mornings)


Funny, Guilty...old farmer, sailor neanderthal caveman.


The view from my cave tonight.

If I didn't have that ONE TIME IN 25 YEARS that I actually used one of them, I wouldn't be saving all 745 of those cables so SHUT UP!

By the way - anyone have a cable organizer or 10 they want to get rid of? ;)

We purchased a new home and moved last September. In the process of moving, I put my cord collection in a larger Rubbermaid tote that we purchased for packing and just used the smaller one they were in to pack. And the best part is that my wife never noticed. :cool: :D
If I didn't have that ONE TIME IN 25 YEARS that I actually used one of them, I wouldn't be saving all 745 of those cables so SHUT UP!

By the way - anyone have a cable organizer or 10 they want to get rid of? ;)


Trust me, I know for a fact that I still have a cable for an Imation Zip drive. I don't have the drive itself, but if anyone ever needs to power one of these things, I'm your man ?

I found these cool cable organizer things, they're called "boxes". They fit nicely into areas so that my wife doesn't see them, and once they're all collected in one area, if she sees them and asks me what I'm doing with all of them, I can say "there's too many of those to go through right now". I really should transfer them from storage in those boxes to storage in the garbage. What's more likely is that I simply donate them to a Goodwill when we make our next run there.

Trust me, I know for a fact that I still have a cable for an Imation Zip drive. I don't have the drive itself, but if anyone ever needs to power one of these things, I'm your man ?
I’ve got 3 of the drives. We should be able to set someone up with a couple 100mb of storage.
@Scottintexas thank you for the bait, but I know I must refrain. I am trying to think a boat related story and only thing that comes to mind is "The sh*ty forecasting apps & the blue wave that wasn't; my boat still floats".