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Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

Earning a little extra $$ on the side, to buy boat parts...

I feel for all up North:
Such a funny thread[flag]
I feel for all up North:
View attachment 135767
All you guys up North are wimps!! Saw this in a video on FB and snapped a screenshot. Come on...get your wetsuits out! Yes there is someone wake surfing behind the boat. That's dedication to the sport.
All you guys up North are wimps!! Saw this in a video on FB and snapped a screenshot. Come on...get your wetsuits out! Yes there is someone wake surfing behind the boat. That's dedication to the sport.

I invite you to come up here and show us wimps...how it's done. No snow yet, and the water temp. is right down your alley. ;)
It's not over yet, still waiting for the guy in the Santa suit to get out there. There is always one.

I invite you to come up here and show us wimps...how it's done. No snow yet, and the water temp. is right down your alley. ;)
It's not over yet, still waiting for the guy in the Santa suit to get out there. There is always one.

View attachment 135933
That would be a hard NOPE with those water temps.
I invite you to come up here and show us wimps...how it's done. No snow yet, and the water temp. is right down your alley. ;)
It's not over yet, still waiting for the guy in the Santa suit to get out there. There is always one.

View attachment 135933
NOT down my alley! Been down here for over 30 years and blood has thinned out too much. Water temp has to be minimum of 80° for me to get in (willingly - pushed or falling is a different story).