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Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

Story Time!

So this happened about 10yrs ago. It was the culmination of me being a car guy and my wife viewing cars like appliances. I had put the 2nd side view mirror on our Yukon after being bonked into who knows what. I was lamenting to my good friend about how it just raised my blood pressure beyond anything else. Why could she just not care about the cars. He's a sharp guy and asked "Did you marry her because she can drive or for some other reason, and is this really the hill you want your marriage to end on".......I thought about that for awhile and a few days later my wife asked "Are you mad at me over the cars"......I responded "I love you like I've never loved anyone before, but you run into shit, I've just accepted that and I'm OK". She, in fact, did NOT take that in the spirit it was intended and we fought for a few days.

Follow me for more marriage advice with other greats like "I don't love you for your hair" after haircuts/colors/styles, and "uhhhhhh....." in response to the question of if she looks good in <insert todays outfit>. You too can be happily married like me :D
Similar story of acceptance. The dog we just lost last November was the most amazing dog. When she was a puppy she started digging holes in the yard. I would try to scold her, yell at her, etc every time she dug a new hole. One day it just dawned on me that she is just being a dog, it's in her nature to dig and most likely she will grow out of it, and I love her because she is just an incredible dog. So I just said 'F-it" and decided I'm not gonna sweat the small stuff. It's just a yard. It's just dirt I can fix later. One day my wife asked why I wasn't upset about the holes in the yard and I just said, "she's just a dog, doing what dogs do, and I'm not gonna sweat the small stuff". My wife planted a big kiss on me and said she loved me.

Fast forward to today and we now have an even more ramped up blue heeler puppy and what is crazy is she digs in the exact same spots as our past dog. Still not sweating it........

Similar story of acceptance. The dog we just lost last November was the most amazing dog. When she was a puppy she started digging holes in the yard. I would try to scold her, yell at her, etc every time she dug a new hole. One day it just dawned on me that she is just being a dog, it's in her nature to dig and most likely she will grow out of it, and I love her because she is just an incredible dog. So I just said 'F-it" and decided I'm not gonna sweat the small stuff. It's just a yard. It's just dirt I can fix later. One day my wife asked why I wasn't upset about the holes in the yard and I just said, "she's just a dog, doing what dogs do, and I'm not gonna sweat the small stuff". My wife planted a big kiss on me and said she loved me.

Fast forward to today and we now have an even more ramped up blue heeler puppy and what is crazy is she digs in the exact same spots as our past dog. Still not sweating it........

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Man, Blue Heelers are cool dogs.

We went looking for one when we got our current dog. They had 5-7 puppies in there and they were all super hyper and such. Then our current dog was laying in a kennel in the back and was like "Meh, pet me or not, I don't care"......She's WAY more our speed and was already 1 and looked like she had always been in a kennel. So we brought her home instead. Aside from the absurd shedding she's been a great dog.

Here's a good picture that describes her general attitude about most things: