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Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

Yes. Totally missed him. I was caught up on why there was a ladder in the picture? ;)

PS KK looking a little short.

I'll take another look or twelve, but where the heck did you see a ladder? :p
How special do you have to be to get offended in a funny memes thread??
I'll assume that's a serious question, and I'll give it a serious answer from my perspective. I hope that someone doesn't have to be very special to be offended any time they come across something that's based in hate, fear, or ignorance and goes for a laugh at the expense of someone's core self. There are a couple of people who fill this thread with some really funny shit, and none of it is hate-based.
Sorry it offended you. No one is denying any rights to trans, intersex, or other 80 genders that were created. Those people have exactly same rights to exist,
So do the women and my daughter who competes in high school vs people that are not like her in physical respect.
And females I know are offended by lady Dylan that now advertising sports bras for Nike. So while we praise Dylan for coming out we offend the other 99% of population.
Anywho, the point is we were able to take even offensive and brutal jokes normally, but now society is very sensitive and no matter what you say some people will laugh some get offended.
If I like the joke I put thumbs up to it if I don’t I scroll to the next I like.
Again, sorry if it offended you.

Did you know that suicide is the number 2 cause of death in young people ages 15-24 and that our transgender youth are 3 - 7 times more likely to contemplate suicide? Yet, we continue to mock and ridicule trans people because they are different from us.

If one is transgender and have boobs, one needs a bra. I don’t know why anyone would be offended, let alone 99% of the population? My daughter will occassionally buy men’s shirts instead of women’s because generally she finds the quality of the shirt to me higher. Would this offend you as a man?

The number of transgendered students athletes in high school is estimated to be less that 1/2 of 1% and many of these youth likely identified as children and as puberty neared may have begun puberty blockers, continuing with cross-hormone therapy as they became teens. They are not simply cross-dressing teens. Nevertheless, I would agree that a scientific based discussion (not for this thread) on high school sports could be warranted.


p.s. I don’t need an apology and am way to old to need anyone to validate my thoughts and/or opinions. LOL, if you first tell someone that they (and society) are sensitive, is it really an apology?