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Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

Realistically though, they are a Belgium based company (in one of the most LGBT welcoming countries in the world.). With annual sales of $58 billion dollars, I don’t think they are worried about the transmisia beliefs of some Americans.

How special do you have to be to get offended in a funny memes thread??

Maybe I just give a shit about other people?

Do you personally know any transgendered people? I know of two kids, my daughter went to high school with, who transitioned after high school They were both nice kids, kind and smart, who just wanted to be themselves.

Its sad to see folks think its funny to continue to post memes that denies trans people of the validity of their identities; sees them as less human; and/or treats them as less worthy of care and respect.

Maybe I just give a shit about other people?

Do you personally know any transgendered people? I know of two kids, my daughter went to high school with, who transitioned after high school They were both nice kids, kind and smart, who just wanted to be themselves.

Its sad to see folks think its funny to continue to post memes that denies trans people of the validity of their identities; sees them as less human; and/or treats them as less worthy of care and respect.


Let’s get this thread back on track….I’ll help you a bit….


See how easy that is??
Maybe I just give a shit about other people?

Do you personally know any transgendered people? I know of two kids, my daughter went to high school with, who transitioned after high school They were both nice kids, kind and smart, who just wanted to be themselves.

Its sad to see folks think its funny to continue to post memes that denies trans people of the validity of their identities; sees them as less human; and/or treats them as less worthy of care and respect.

Sorry it offended you. No one is denying any rights to trans, intersex, or other 80 genders that were created. Those people have exactly same rights to exist,
So do the women and my daughter who competes in high school vs people that are not like her in physical respect.
And females I know are offended by lady Dylan that now advertising sports bras for Nike. So while we praise Dylan for coming out we offend the other 99% of population.
Anywho, the point is we were able to take even offensive and brutal jokes normally, but now society is very sensitive and no matter what you say some people will laugh some get offended.
If I like the joke I put thumbs up to it if I don’t I scroll to the next I like.
Again, sorry if it offended you.