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Recommend a floatation throwable cushion


Jetboaters Admiral
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I have kept a throwable cushion around the throttles since purchasing the boat. I replace them occasionally not because of use / wear and tear but because of mildew making them unsightly. Does anyone have experience with a brand that does not mildew?
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I use the same blue one. Also use it as my "floating stool" while hanging out in the water behind the boat. Aside from letting it drain, I don't do anything other than put it away. No mildew yet. My boat does live, mostly uncovered in the garage though.
Slightly off topic, I actually had to use our throwable a few years ago when we noticed a SUP border in distress. She had fallen off her board on the river and wasn't wearing a PFD. We saw her waving her paddle in the air and zipped over - as soon as I closed enough distance I could tell she was in a bad way and threw her the floatable, which she snatched instantly, used to support herself in the water, and was very relieved to not have to tread in the current.

We got her on board, helped her recover her dog and board, and she was fine. That's always stuck with me as a real good reason as to WHY throwables are mandatory and more useful than throwing someone a PFD.
@anmut good story. But really I will never understand why a person would not have a PFD on but I guess that's her choice. But it's even worse to take your dog out on a paddle board without one. He didn't have a choice...
@anmut good story. But really I will never understand why a person would not have a PFD on but I guess that's her choice. But it's even worse to take your dog out on a paddle board without one. He didn't have a choice...
Last year there were three young men on paddle boards up at Orman, none had pfd‘s and none knew how to swim, one fell off and drowned just a short distance from shore…