Thanks for the compliments
@FSH 210 Sport My estimation of 4000 hours said 1/2 sarcastically as no real clue. Although there has been a lot of days where we fished 8 hours and maybe put 30mins on the gas motor, rest all trolling. Even when just chilling somewhere I often put use the trolling motor to keep boat ’anchored’. (Only reason anchor was out in the above pic is the boat is sitting in 1-2ft of water.)
As far as my batteries they are just 3 regular old lead acid, group 27 batteries. In that pic above, the storage fore of the green bag, there is a removable floor access and batteries fit in there. Very clean and out of the way. Had dealer install it all as well as 3 bank charger as part of purchase. Good design as no head space lost. Even with my boat and often windy rough conditions the batteries have yet to die. Lowest I have seen it read is 1/2 charged at the end of the day (although I have no idea how reliable that is). Unless you are running trolling motor for extended periods of time at a speed of 5 or higher, ie try to hold over a reef in the current or working against tidal currents along edges, I doubt you would need to go Lithium for a typical day of fishing. We joke that there is only 2 reasons to quit fishing. Trolling motor dies or we run out of snacks. The snacks always go first.
I fully understand the rabbit hole of research. My wealth of knowledge is vast for useless crap I have read on reviews and forums because I think I might need one too. I’m sure most on here can relate. Good luck with the impeller research.
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@zipper all I can say is there would have been some choice “daddy only” words coming out of my mouth that day.