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Looks like Spring has sprung .....it's headed North my friends, be patient.
Three boat pics in a row... I'm liking the direction this thread is turning!
This has a lot of room for improvement but Emma has been trying to build a zip line out of spare parts so I decided to help.

Yep we are sitting outside at sunset about to grill fajitas! Hopefully it stays this way. Now we need sun to get that lake water warming up!!!
A little more zip line fun. Upgrades are planned as soon as I can get the parts.


On the way home!
@Bruce Get that zip line going between two wake towers. That would be sweet!

That would be interesting. You would have to have the boats facing away from each other and throttled up to have enough tension in the rope. Otherwise it just dips in the middle.
Damn you guys are already boating! Very nice.
It's always something. This morning it was discovering someone had stolen the spare tire from my truck last night as it was parked in front of my house. I've never used nor seen it in over 5 years, hoping it was a donut. Now I know what is behind that cover next to the license plate, an ineffective lock.
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that stinks! sorry to hear about it Ronnie
@eastcoaster - I can totally relate. That looked like my driveway just a week & 1/2 ago. But after that last storm - we've had mid 40's ever since, with a couple of days in the low 50's. So it has been melting quick.

Hoping that was your last one. And here's hoping for a nice easy melt. With the amount of snow we've had this winter, we've been more concerned about a fast melt.