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Made the same upgrade last summer. You will be amazed at the difference
Did you leave them down at all times or lift up the outer edge fins so it doesn't bite at high speed.
I started out leaving them full down, and was happy with them so never tried different adjustments
20150316_130039.jpgnew docks for the summer, well new to me any way. And I blew out a trailer tire on the PA turnpike on the way home. That was fun!
I was up there for the weekend. Even after living up there for 20 years, I still couldn't believe how bad the roads are right now. Maybe I'm just spoiled by ours...
Spent some time at the gorge. Not on the jetboat but on my dads retrofitted fishing boat teaching the baby young.

image.jpg image.jpg
What is the temp like there? Looks beautiful.

64 on the water yesterday. In that bottom picture you can actually see ice on the water in the bay. The ice was about to disolve but it was about 2.5" thick. Water temp was 34 :-)
Thought I would share a pic I took this morning of Indiana's Highest Free-Fall Waterfall at a height of 90 feet. It is located in the center of our little town of Williamsport, IN. In the summer it often dries up but after a big summer storm it can look like a mini Niagara Falls.20150317_083349.jpg
Installing a new weather data system and noticed it's a darn nice day to go boating in the Gulf and Bahamas!!
Let's get out there!
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@Murf'n'surf .......... couple questions:
1) Your new Cobra Jet fins look FAR "DEEPER" into the water than your old ones or those by JetBoatPilot. Any comments by you ? WHat are yopur expectations (at least over the older set) ?
2) What/where does your weather data (mapping?) system come from ? It looked really kewl !
Many, thanks in advance, Mikey Lulejian - Lake Oconee, GA - Where it's 83 degrees and sunny today. Hit 86 yesterday ~!
@MikeyL I had some of the original Cobra fins (I think). Jeff has vastly improved them over the years and getting bigger to bite more water was one of the improvements. Now they are adjustable in regards to the fin depth and the ability to allow the spring to pick them up above idle speed and to drop down when you slow down. I should have a drastic increase in rudder action just by the larger surface area.

The weather system is on the mother ship and it is made by www.wxworx.com Their receiver uses the XM Sirrius service to receive weather data via the sats. Our pilots out their have similar systems made by the same company geared towards aviation.
@Murf'n'surf I am also interested in your take on the new fins.I have been thinking about upgrading mine.
So far so good, installation was easy. I will report back with my opinions in a separate thread after I get some throttle time.
2 brave souls jumped in 52F water for $10
Yesterday I had the oversized never used doughnut of a spare stolen from my truck the day before replaced with this (full sized used spare on a rim that's the same size as the other four tires, the original spare tire was on a smaller rim). According to the salesman my best protection is that it is used (50% tread left), it would not be worth the effort or risk to steal this one.
