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That's making me hungry for some meat during Lent. Thanks for the temptation I guess.

There are shrimp in there too. Both bacon wrapped and not. That is not from today though. Hard 8 on a Friday during lent would be torture.
The old dog and the new puppy finally make good friends!

image.jpg Rolled in to the campground about 1:30 this morning...I'm sure the neighbor campers (especially the one in the tent) loves me right about now with my Weight distribution making all kinds of noise while backing in:-/ Wouldn't have been so bad if the people across from my site hadn't parked a trailer and two scooters right on the edge of the road where I needed to swing my front bumper around to get the camper in my site...I don't feel bad for them, I hope I woke them up.
View attachment 18920 Rolled in to the campground about 1:30 this morning...I'm sure the neighbor campers (especially the one in the tent) loves me right about now with my Weight distribution making all kinds of noise while backing in:-/ Wouldn't have been so bad if the people across from my site hadn't parked a trailer and two scooters right on the edge of the road where I needed to swing my front bumper around to get the camper in my site...I don't feel bad for them, I hope I woke them up.

Glad you made it safe, have a good time. Watch your wallet, that tiny mouse has a way of draining it before you know it.
Wow, Disney World has a camp ground? I don't think Disney Land does, you guys on the east coast got it good. I hope you have fun @Wayloncle .
Wow, Disney World has a camp ground? I don't think Disney Land does, you guys on the east coast got it good. I hope you have fun @Wayloncle .
It's an amazing campground, about 800 sites. Its still expensive, but it's nice having your own bed and kitchen and stuff.
700lbs of sausage total, about 350lbs smoked
3 hours in and my 10 year old daughter is kicking my ass...
View attachment 18920 Rolled in to the campground about 1:30 this morning...I'm sure the neighbor campers (especially the one in the tent) loves me right about now with my Weight distribution making all kinds of noise while backing in:-/ Wouldn't have been so bad if the people across from my site hadn't parked a trailer and two scooters right on the edge of the road where I needed to swing my front bumper around to get the camper in my site...I don't feel bad for them, I hope I woke them up.

Disney pictures always make me jealous.....we are certified Disney nuts. We are going to the Disney Hilton Head resort next month, my wife is going to Disneyland and Disney's Aulani in Hawaii in November for her job, and our usual family trip to Disney World in December. Hope you all have great time....and yes, watch that wallet. Disney is expensive, but can be done a whole lot more economically than people think. My wife is a Disney Travel Concierge agent and I've seen her book trips anywhere from $2k to $32k. Ouch!
Had plans of working on the boat all day. Murphy had to stop by and say hi first...

Exterior wall faucet/hose bibb. Went to turn the hose on to start cleaning out my clean out plug tubes, and started flooding the kitchen. All fixed now and ate some lunch. Now time to grab a beer and regroup. I'm gonna get something done to the boat today, I'm sure of it!