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That's not a garden, that's a freaking field!!

The garden will be a fenced area approximately 50'x50'. The tractor was roughly in the middle of the garden area when I took the picture. You may be able to see that I increased the thickness of the top soil for the garden starting about 20' away from the tractor. The rest will be zoysia grass.

The top soil came from the bottom of a pond in a valley at my grandparents farm. Their vegetable garden was 6 acres so this seems small.
20150325_181133.jpg What I have in store for the next week! @Bruce that thing in the background is a kitchen garden....nothing like your field! LOL
The kids are asking for a garden this year so I am squeezing in 288 yards of top soil spreading between work and spring break. I have roughly 82 yards to go on this side.

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And there was me feeling sorry for you, thinking of you and your rake.......until I noticed the tractor arms in the picture;)
As I was driving into South Beach this morning I heard a strange noise to my right. I thought it might have been a hovercraft........nope, just a sea plane. Lots of interesting sights in Miami.
That's cool Murf. In Alaska I liked that most of the airports have a runway and then a waterway right next to it for the float planes.
I plan to cut this yamaha oil filter open tomorrow to see if the element is made of fleece as I've read many times before.

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Table Rock Lake level...just about back to summer pool which is 917.00. I have a feeling that we will be there today with all the rain that we just had!! Time to move the dock!!
image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg Fleece element? Sure, if fleece feels and looks like cardboard.
@Ronnie Do you ever sleep? LOL!
Got my wax in! I just wish I had my boat out of storage to wax the damn thing. Yes that's right, I am actually excited to wax. That's how depressed I am.


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Stuck in Salado TX on I 35 due to bridge collapse. Complete shutdown. image.jpg
Bridge collapse sounds all bad.
Radio said it was an oversize tractor trailer hit a beam that caused 2 more beams to fall. It was a new bridge being built.