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Show us what you see!!!

Busted water pipe?

Ouch... I was hoping that wasn't part of the Dodge! (couldn't help myself....lol)
Exterior wall faucet/hose bibb. Went to turn the hose on to start cleaning out my clean out plug tubes, and started flooding the kitchen. All fixed now and ate some lunch. Now time to grab a beer and regroup. I'm gonna get something done to the boat today, I'm sure of it!
Are you on well water with a chlorine injector?
Just finished hanging an antique ceiling fan in my boat garage\mancave. Now I'm enjoying some tunes and a Guinness Blond.1427058699010815189401.jpg
Are you on well water with a chlorine injector?

No sir. I just haven't lived in the south (again) very long, and in denial that things can still freeze here. Never unhooked the flexzilla over the winter...
Birthday stuffs! Got a magma grill, tools, carrying case, and mount from friends.

Got a magma grill, tools, carrying case, and mount from friends.
I should copy this post to my Facebook page.....as a hint to our friends who love to go boating with us! LOL You've got some great friends there!!!!!:winkingthumbsup" My problem is my wife is fine with sandwiches...while I'd like a brat or burger (but then again....there is that Weight Loss thread....)
Just finished hanging an antique ceiling fan in my boat garage\mancave. Now I'm enjoying some tunes and a Guinness Blond.View attachment 18950

Looks and sounds nice to me! I wish I had my boat parkied in my garage to drink on in the cold months. If I may offer my humble opinion though, separate the blond from the Guinness and enjoy some tunes, a Guinness, AND a blond!
@BigN8 ... your dog looks like he knows what coming in that top photo
The kids are asking for a garden this year so I am squeezing in 288 yards of top soil spreading between work and spring break. I have roughly 82 yards to go on this side.

Build it and they will come!! :D
The kids are asking for a garden this year so I am squeezing in 288 yards of top soil spreading between work and spring break. I have roughly 82 yards to go on this side.

View attachment 19162

Beautiful house! I love all the soffit lighting.
Beautiful house! I love all the soffit lighting.

I am really glad that we took the time to install them as well. The bulbs are 8 watt LEDs. They make a useable ring of light around the house for 160 watts. Although when we first turned them on two did not light up so I had to crawl out to the eaves to connect the wires.