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I think I'll go with a bike cable lock. What's the world coming to when I have to protect the the locking mechanism protecting a used spare tire?
My son's summer camp schedule this year. It's a day camp with a theme that changes weekly and a related field trip day. He will miss a couple of weeks because of our family vacation. I'm happy for him and resentful at the same time. I never had a summer like that and now I'm paying for his.

Beautiful spring day here, roll on the good times :D
Once I had a spare tire and rim stolen from my boat trailer on an Easter Sunday no less. I replaced it the next day and sure enough I had a flat tire out on the interstate that week, with no lug wrench to fit the trailer lug nuts. What a pain in the butt. That was many years ago , Just last week a guy was stealing tires off cars parked near the toll booth leading to the Skyway bridge, luckily Troopers caught him in the act. At first they thought he was just changing a tire until they noticed several cars with tires missing.
While in Miami today I spotted this heard of 20-30 Tarpon behind the local fishing charter. The smallest fish was 4' and most were at least 5'. They don't look big in the picture but there were many bigger than me! Apparently they hear the charter pull in and gather behind it to eat the scraps from cleaning the daily catch.
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image.jpg First day of spring?? Seriously???


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Got the refill order of logo stickers today! I am fully open for sticker orders. I will reveal the new sticker color on Monday after that order arrives.

Have a great weekend!

Was feeling great about my vette until


I saw this one as I pulled into the lot tonight.


I still feel good, just not great anymore.
Went to the local power sports store for a filter and oil and saw this
And this, the real cost of a new entry level Pwc before sales tax and finance charges, if any. image.jpg
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@Murf'n'surf, i wish, but grew up in a single parent home here in NorCal (I.e., financially challenged), learned to fight the old fashioned way, at school, well mostly after it.