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Show us what you see!!!

Waiting for "Stomp" to begin at the Durham Performing Arts Center20150328_135235.jpg
This what I see 10,000 honey bees ....trying my hand at bee keeping at the lake house.



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First weekend up at the cabin for the 2015 season. Still a lot of ice on the lake... damn. (Bay Lake, MN) 20150328_103234.jpg
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20150328_142524.jpg My son in his DNR hunting and firearms training class. One of the coolest ways to spend a weekend together. It is just warm enough to get outdoors and enjoy some nature and activities.
Swamp Buggy Racing is a local sport created here. I didn't know this prior to going to the races tonight.
WOW - Very nice for the memories. It's been a long time since I went with my best friend and we raced his rig @ the track back in the early VERY 1960's. And by that time, it had already been going for maybe 10 years. "That" track got replaced by the more-modern, real racing track you go to today. But it's all pretty SUPER KEWL !@

What was "run" back then was the SAME hand-built Swamp Buggies we went hunting in, out in the swamp. Wooden bodies, built around in many cases old CJ-3 and CJ-5 jeep casings. Used large airplane balloon tires. Oh, the good 'ole days. LOL !

GREAT shots ! Best Wishes, Mikey Lulejian - Lake Oconee, GA
PS - Back then, MOST of the motors were 4 cylinder JEEP engines and a few 6 cylinders. Not like the monsters they run today.
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Ate lunch at Crab Island Cantina. It's located at Emerald Grande at the foot of the Destin Bridge. Great location and view. You can come by boat or car. Too cold for the boat today.

I tried to upload a panoramic shot but it wouldn't let me.


Great restaurant there, if you have the time and $$$. Wife took me there when I turned 40 a few years back.
@GTBRMC we had a nice lunch at the Lockwood restaurant today, excellent service. We splurged and are staying here for couple days on the front of spring break.
I see the shadow of my house, on a frozen lake. . . .


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Sacrificed 82F sunny Sunday on the boat and this was the reward. My daughters select team got first place in the basketball tournament. Mine is back row in the middle. image.jpg