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I saw these speaker rocks at best buy tonight, got me to look twice but They wouldn't get much use at my house.
@cbus your boats going to be a little lonely after today! image.jpg
@Big Shasta , I have the same feeling . Thanks for noticing the duct taped workbench. It's looking ratty (after almost 15 years). Time to teach my son to peel and recover it, this time with gorilla tape. I'd loan my Vette and / or skis out to friends (few currently want to even test drive it), never my boat though.
What others see as they look at me and my family today. Ready to enter six flags magic mountain on a warm scal day with our gold passes and front of the line flash passes. If someone would have asked me if I would ever wear a cape into an amusement park before I became a father I would have thought they were crazy.

20150404_140849.jpg It's back!!
Air temp....87
Pool temp...90
Beer temp...40
Total--------> PERFECT SUMMER DAY!!
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The first one is the view from the balcony last week. The second is from the pool, golden margarita in hand. Back in Illinois this week wondering why people live here.
Air temp....87
Pool temp...90
Beer temp...40
Total--------> PERFECT SUMMER DAY!!
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That's awesome Murf! Is that a canal behind your house? If we ever live in Florida I want a water accessible property with my boat on a lift. If my wife has her way we'd have a pool too as you do.
That's awesome Murf! Is that a canal behind your house? If we ever live in Florida I want a water accessible property with my boat on a lift. If my wife has her way we'd have a pool too as you do.
Just a retention lake, I'm 12 miles from any navigable waterway. In order to build above the FEMA floodplain, you need to raise the existing elevation 5-8 feet. So, developers dig lakes and spread the spoil to build houses on. Makes for a nice view from the back yard.
Caught the Easter Bunny...or maybe the Cadbury Bunny. His name is Walter and he is almost fully grown...yes, Walter the White rabbit and he is as ill tempered as Heisenberg. :)

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My favorite hot weather boat beer....I found it here about a month ago. So glad to see it back!

Yep, someone here mentioned this beer and that's about all I drink during the summer. Was at Sam's when I took that picture and if were headed down to the lake I would have got a couple of cases. Come on summer!!!
Bought a WEN 6" dual action polisher/waxer On Amazon for about $100. It feels very well built. I will hopefully get some practice in on the Jeep this week before moving to the boat.1428273908637740997441.jpg
Going to pull it out this weekend. Wish I would have gone last week. Did you change your plugs? Any issues?
Changed the plugs after we got back to the slip. My dad did it and had it done in the time it took me to wipe down the boat. Just remember... hand tight and then a quarter to a half turn. My dad didn't believe me until he pulled out the first plug from last season and realized how NOT tight they were. Let me know if you have any questions.