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Hey @RightStuff ... BIGGGGG Congrats ! :winkingthumbsup"

Enjoy a most wonderful boating year ahead !
Mikey Lulejian - On a HOT & muggy 85 degree Lake Oconee, GA
Hey @RightStuff ... BIGGGGG Congrats ! :winkingthumbsup"

Enjoy a most wonderful boating year ahead !
Mikey Lulejian - On a HOT & muggy 85 degree Lake Oconee, GA

Thanks, just nice to have her back from storage again. I'm just glad I was the first Yamaha in the neighborhood that came back from storage, have to beat the 3 others around me to the punch!

-- On a cold and rainy 38 degree day in Minnesota. :(

Why are you looking at me?
My wife's name is Shandie, she didn't believe me when I told her that she has a beer with her name on it. Now it's her favorite beer :).

Shandies were the drink of choice for designated drivers in England. Half lager and half schweppes lemonade.

I was going to go look at the AR240 because of the extra space, and engine. I would want to test drive one to see how it handles next to the Scarab, but I love the style of the new boats. Maybe take advantage of the financing they are offering.

Dont get me wrong, it will take alot to get me to get rid of my girl. But Im always willing to upgrade!
Seeing (and not liking) this! D'oh!


Got the tenders back on the batteries to slow charge them back up (in the event they aren't full). I've had this error before too and it just went away after turning the boat off and back on. Hoping that is the case and that I didn't break my GPS running the new PP GPS wire through it (I really doubt that is the case). Fingers crossed for it being a power related issue.
If ya ain't eaten yet, ya might wanna look away.
'Jes a little from the 4 Butts we smoked over Southern Red Oak and Hickory for 8+ hours today !
225 degrees tops ! Every bit hand pulled ! Enjoy the view, Mikey - It tastes even better !

PULLED PORK - Apr 2016.jpg
and you didn't call @MikeyL !! :D
If the first photo didn't make ya hungry, try this one.
Yummy @!

PULLED PROK 12 - sm - P1010916.jpg
F-15 low level training

Low Level F15.jpg
image.jpg About to check off an item on my bucket list. Jumping out of this plane shortly with my daughter and wife.
Hope you enjoy your fall, I had a blast when I jumped a couple of years ago.

Wow!!! What an adrenaline rush!!! Best part was coming out the plane and free fall.

Robert_Mullendore 020.JPG Robert_Mullendore 021.JPG
Wow!!! What an adrenaline rush!!! Best part was coming out the plane and free fall.
I would said that the "best part" was touching down on Mother Earth safely ...... but that's just me. LOLOLOLOL !
Neato photos ! Nice post - Mikey Lulejian - Lake Oconee, GA