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Got a few more items over the weekend.

Now, I realize that the speakers are not one of the brands that are usually talked about on here but these fit my budget and have to be better than the stockers. So please go easy on me. lol!

And a big thanks to @Murf'n'surf on the stickers. :winkingthumbsup"
Got a few more items over the weekend.
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Now, I realize that the speakers are not one of the brands that are usually talked about on here but these fit my budget and have to be better than the stockers. So please go easy on me. lol!

And a big thanks to @Murf'n'surf on the stickers. :winkingthumbsup"

I bet the Kenwoods will sound pretty good. I can certainly relate to boating on a budget. I have a list of upgrades that I want a mile long and I keep trying to tell myself the boat will be around next year , to pace myself, and stop trying spending my every last dime on additions. It's just way to damn much fun to play with these things though! I love the grill, I haven't seen that style before. I will probably be adding that to my list. My wife thanks you (note the sarcasm).
I bet the Kenwoods will sound pretty good. I can certainly relate to boating on a budget. I have a list of upgrades that I want a mile long and I keep trying to tell myself the boat will be around next year , to pace myself, and stop trying spending my every last dime on additions. It's just way to damn much fun to play with these things though! I love the grill, I haven't seen that style before. I will probably be adding that to my list. My wife thanks you (note the sarcasm).
I know exactly what you mean about trying to pace yourself. There are so many things that I keep coming up with that I want to do or think I need but I have to really watch the money side. Things could really get out of control in a big hurry. lol

I found the grill at our local Menards store for $50.00. I couldn't really pass it up for that price.
Thank goodness I think I am running out of mods to do to the boat......I don't think my wallet could take much more. :(
Thank goodness I think I am running out of mods to do to the boat......I don't think my wallet could take much more. :(

Every time my wife see's me looking at this site she will ask "what else are you wanting to do to the boat now??"
Saw and took these pics yesterday, just forgot to post them until today. Saturday was the first day out on the water this season, we took the Waverunners out. Yesterday I had to put everything back on the side of the house. I'm out of practice and it shows, I had to detach and reposition the tow vehicle half way through the process of putting the boat back in order to avoid damaging the boat or tow vehicle in the process. I'm usually able to see some daylight between the boat (cover) and fence and it takes 2 minutes or less for me to put away, not yesterday.

And the after / final position pic
A perfectly good tool (manual oil remover, 5 or 6 quart) that I plan to replace before next year. This one is still good just too slow for me (almost 30 minutes to drain one engine). I'm going bigger and electric next year.

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A perfectly good tool (manual oil remover, 5 or 6 quart) that plan to replace before next year. This one is still good just too slow for me (almost 30 minutes to drain one engine). I'm going bigger an electric next year.

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That's the same one I have and I told myself last year that I wouldn't use it again. I guess I better start hunting for an electric one too.
I also have the same one, but I can drain an engine in aprox 10 min. Do you keep pumping it every once and a while while draining to maintain vacuum?
Is that a shark net protecting the beach?
Nah, this is Mexico...they set up defined lines for swimming so that a life guard can see you. However, the life guard is on the beach trying to sell jet ski rentals and parasailing.
I also have the same one, but I can drain an engine in aprox 10 min. Do you keep pumping it every once and a while while draining to maintain vacuum?

I maintenance pumped it at least three times on each engine but it still took about 30 minutes to drain each one. Admittedly the oil was cold since I didn't want to hook the water up and run the engines to warm it up.
A perfectly good tool (manual oil remover, 5 or 6 quart) that I plan to replace before next year. This one is still good just too slow for me (almost 30 minutes to drain one engine). I'm going bigger and electric next year.

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I just purchased this one from West Marine, http://www.westmarine.com/buy/west-marine--manual-oil-extractor-6-9-quart--11047123, it was on sale for 72.99 and I had 60 dollars in West Marine certificates from buying my Garmin EchoMAP50dv on a triple point weekend.... It pumped out 3.5 qts in maybe about 5 minutes..... Just had to pump it up one time with 20 pumps.....
The replacement fender for my pwc trailer showed up in the mail (actually it was left on my front porch) the other day. A $50 part that cost $17 to ship from scal to ncal, I expected it to be boxed.
Warm the oil. Pump lots. 5-10 min per engine. cam.
Warm the oil. Pump lots. 5-10 min per engine. cam.
Then do (Ie, pump out oil) it at LEAST TWICE per engine - CRANK ENGINE for 15 secs - do NOT let it "start" ) .......... Three times is better.
Good Luck and Happy Easter - Mikey Lulejian - Lake Oconee, GA
The replacement fender for my pwc trailer showed up in the mail (actually it was left on my front porch) the other day. A $50 part that cost $17 to ship from scal to ncal, I expected it to be boxed.
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Ronnie man, Why is it I have a feeling we would be awesome friends....You love to work on stuff, you quadcopter, a bench covered in duct tape....corvette that you would obviously let me borrow...Dude, Move to Panama City Beach Florida.