@suke @RXBoost We have the same boat. Here are some low cost things you can do to help the wave and get some push.
Separate your ballast tanks with valves. Just start with manual valves for now. Note that you will have to closely watch your tank while filling as your system is designed to be filling two tanks. We just pop up the rear cup holder and stick our hand down there.
Adjust your nozzles to a Surf Point configuration. Let me know if you want specific measurements.
@J-RAD said a full tank of gas and letting the boat turn surf side will help. Our boats will naturally want to go about 10 mph in a slow turn to port. I sometimes leave the helm and lend my weight to the port side with the boat just doing its thing.
Our towers have the ability to run the rope through a portion that allows an off center pull point. This will make it easier for the newbys.
Always go out with friends. They will see the fun you guys are having and want to try it themselves. You need their weight on the surf side. Do not refer to them as mere ballast.
Eventually as you become more addicted you will want to get a Gantlin Wake Wedge. It will smooth out the spray and give you more push.
It sure is fun for me to see you guys enjoying your boats.