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Glen finished the impeller repair and drastically changed the pitch. He is sending it back with a 16/17 pitch. It should put more load on the engine on initial take off, and eliminate the cavitation. I think my pitch job was the cause of the slight vibration. It will be a week before I get a chance to install and test.

My son and I took the boat out Sunday and ran almost a tank of fuel out. Had a blast cruising the rough weekend water at high speed. Boat ran 59mph in the morning and 58 in the heat of the day. I can't get over how good this thing runs.
Glen finished the impeller repair and drastically changed the pitch. He is sending it back with a 16/17 pitch. It should put more load on the engine on initial take off, and eliminate the cavitation. I think my pitch job was the cause of the slight vibration. It will be a week before I get a chance to install and test.

My son and I took the boat out Sunday and ran almost a tank of fuel out. Had a blast cruising the rough weekend water at high speed. Boat ran 59mph in the morning and 58 in the heat of the day. I can't get over how good this thing runs.

That's great news! Should come up here I picked up 100rpm in 16deg C water, but had issues getting over 50 on the analog gauge. Oh I need to plan out something lower key to.whar you have done just to scratch the itch. It's hard not to want to go balls deep though. Something to think about over the winter. Thanks again for all your hard work and posting updates.
I'm running an ECU for a FX waverunner. Dean will have the boat tune ready soon. It is the same tune, but it will enable cruise assist and no wake mode.
@SamCF Any updates on the Dean's tune - about the cruise assist functionality?
I'm wondering - not sure what else could possibly be disabled in a Connext boat?
May need to go back to Vtech - I am itching to do the reflash, not so much for any top end gains as those are modest at best with NA, but for better throttle response curve and smoother cruise.
(and also wonder - you must have considered Maptuner X - what made you go the other way?)

EDIT: I know of course Dean's is better but the flexibility afforded by Maptuner is impossible to overlook.
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@swatski No updates on the Dean's Tune. It has been their busy season, and I didn't want to send my ECU off and not have use of the boat. I'm 100% happy with the tune, I'll send it back this winter to get the final tune with all options working. I purchased a Worx fuel pressure regulator. It raises fuel pressure 10 psi above stock. I'll have him tune for that option when I send it back.

I doubt Dean would get into the other boats. It sounds like it's pretty expensive for him to have the engineers unlock the coding on the ECU. Unless there was a big market for it, it might not be profitable for him.

I went with Dean's just based on reviews on Greenhulk. A lot of guys went from the R3 to Dean's, and said it was a major upgrade. I think the Maptuner is on another level. It would be really nice to be able to try different tunes without mailing off the ECU.

I installed the new 16/17 160mm Skat-Trak tonight. I'm heading to the lake in the morning. Hopefully it's setup perfect. I'm really tired of pulling the pump. Every time I install it, I seal it like it's permenant. It is a real pain to clean the silicone off each time.
Well I'm done messing with the 160mm. It cavitates / vibrates up to 40 mph then runs smooth. If I punch it at low speed, it blows out. Top speed is about the same. There must be something else going on, but the 155mm works too good for me to worry about this setup.
Sorry to hear that, I know you had high hopes for that setup.

I wonder if anyone has the specs for the 195 stock setup. I know it's a different shaft and hub diameter, but perhaps an adapter could thread onto the stock shaft, and in turn thread to the impeller. I guess you would need an adapter for the stator hub as well, or just keep the original stator. Not sure how well that would work out though, if it's even possible.

Maybe pitching the stock 155mm impeller to a hair above the stock 195 specs would get you where you want to be.

Did you ever bore out your nozzle for the L13? That might make all the difference in the world with your 155 setup as it sits now.
I asked Glen at Skat-Trak about the SVHO impeller. It can be used, but I can't remember what he said it needs to work.

I'm convinced my impeller is out of balance or the blades aren't uniform. It has a vibration you can feel at 2000 rpms. The 155mm setup is smooth. I'm going to send it to Impros to get another opinion.

The leading edge pitch was a little too steep. It loaded the engine hard. It would only pull 7700 rpms out of the hole. Once up to speed it ran 58 mph @ 8200 rpm with 2 adults, 3 kids and full fuel.
The leading edge pitch was a little too steep. It loaded the engine hard. It would only pull 7700 rpms out of the hole. Once up to speed it ran 58 mph @ 8200 rpm with 2 adults, 3 kids and full fuel.
Man - that does sound good.
I understand the vibrations can be super unpleasant but still - most people would kill for these results!

I pulled the 160mm impeller and checked it out really good. One of the blades appears to stick out farther than the other 2 (maybe a mm or less). I also found some globs of silicone between the wear ring and transom plate that looked like they might disrupt flow. There was a little silicone on the impeller itself, but not enough to cause a problem.

I cleaned everything in the pump with a wire wheel, scrubbed the impeller clean, then reinstalled everything.

Tested tonight. Still has the same cavitation/vibration. Acceleration is not as good as the repitched stock 155mm impeller. The top speed is surprising. It ran 59.75 mph @ 8150 rpm with 3/4 fuel, myself and 2 kids.

There are some sharp edges at the transition from 155mm to 160mm. Once the vibration is figured out, I'm sure there will be some gains in filling/polishing those transitions smooth.

I like where it is pitched for now. I'm going to send it to Impros for their opinion on the vibration.

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Old style Maptuner for $150. You would still need to buy the tuning credit.

Edit: Wow, I didn't know the tuning credit was $550!

This is a Maptuner 1. Those work quite well, but I would make sure it has an upgraded firmware, there were at least two versions. The original (early version) was prone to freeze, which was very annoying.
I have one of each (Maptuner 1 and Maptuner 1 version 2?) - that's how I know.:)

The licenses are expensive and it sux for twin boats. Unfortunately there are no discounts for twin engines. So, twin boat = need two licenses. This will not change and is non-negotiable. The smallest package to get a discount is... THREE engines, or five engines - dealer packages! LOL.

Hey, I have come to know that Yamaha did at some point (circa 2012-2013) test a 26' hull. That hull (which has been cut up) required THREE engines to perform. I thought that was interesting.

Have to wake this thread back up. So last season ended with some good speeds, but I was troubleshooting a vibrating Skat-Trak 160mm impeller. I purchased a 160mm 13/18 Solas Concord, but did not get it installed before the season ended.

I finally got it installed this week and bored the jet nozzle from 81mm to 84mm. This has the best acceleration of all of setups so far, very smooth running at all speeds, and the best top speed. All of this at only 8000 rpm!!

I brought my laptop with YDS to check out some temps and pressures.
8000 rpm
60.8 mph (gps)
10.8 psi boost
72 degree intake air temp (80 degree air, 62 degree water)

I'm going to bore the nozzle to 86mm to get the rpm up a little bit. I also installed water methanol injection, but it did not come on as I had it set to come on at 11 psi boost. I'll probably leave it off until air and water temps come up some. I'm shocked at how efficient the Type 14 intercooler is. That's it for now. I'll update if it runs any better Saturday.

Unbelievable results!

I'm going to bore the nozzle to 86mm to get the rpm up a little bit.
I know Solas are kind of hard to bend, but you could at least try to bend the trailing edge if only a little bit, to get less pitch, should still fit in the wear ring. Normally, when you open up the venturi your top speed would suffer, even with higher RPM. But of course what you are doing is very special, and far from normal!
Keep us posted, that is such a kick @ss setup.

Awesome job @SamCF congrats on hitting over 60 mph!! That is just nuts!!
Not sure if I should try the water meth just yet. I don't know how it will work with such low intake temps. I have a 60ml/min nozzle pre-charger and a 175ml/min after the intercooler.

I'll probably turn it on Saturday for one run and watch boost and intake temps. The pre-charger spray should add a little boost/rpm.
Honestly if you can keep charge temps near ambient/water temps I wouldn't bother. The extra octane they can provide may help in a poor fuel situation, but do these boats even have knock sensors?

Did you get boost juice or running something like windshield washer fluid?
Honestly if you can keep charge temps near ambient/water temps I wouldn't bother. The extra octane they can provide may help in a poor fuel situation, but do these boats even have knock sensors?

Did you get boost juice or running something like windshield washer fluid?

I believe we do have knock sensors. I didn't realize the intake temps were so low. Last I checked was with the factory setup, and it was staying over 100 degrees.

Honestly my main goal for the water meth is the added octane at higher boost levels. The factory fuel system is maxed out around 8300 rpm, just wanted the safety factor.

I'm running boost juice. It's expensive, but I don't have time to hunt down methanol and mix myself.
Impressive, but now I feel slow in my boat. Lol!
I believe we do have knock sensors. I didn't realize the intake temps were so low. Last I checked was with the factory setup, and it was staying over 100 degrees.

Honestly my main goal for the water meth is the added octane at higher boost levels. The factory fuel system is maxed out around 8300 rpm, just wanted the safety factor.

I'm running boost juice. It's expensive, but I don't have time to hunt down methanol and mix myself.

Most of the -20 blue washer fluid is 30-33% Meth, a cheaper alternative.

If you're not tuning more aggressively for the meth you could probably get away with running that.

What size tank do you have? I use to run a 1 gallon tank in a road race car with the smallest nozzle on an AEM kit, in a 25min race it'd use over half the tank (20-25min). Figure the car was in boost for a majority of the time. Depending on when you have this start to spray it may use it very quickly with two nozzles. With the medium nozzle I had to a 2 gallon tank.

Do you have a wideband o2 for monitoring? If you're spraying a bunch of this keep a close eye on the transition point of the spray. Expect a fuel ratio change.