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The official "What did you do to your jet boat today" thread.

Installed finally rain stopped

Hangoutdoors@ were did you locate those switche covers from please share info if you can thank you.
Switch covers? You mean those rockers? They were stock on my boat. The round one is the new install.
Got the Cobra Jet steering installed on the 242X, and went out for a maiden voyage with the family. Couldn't be happier with the install, it was very straight forward and the handling was awesome.


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I was curious about that. It looked like it would be too long on the inside and might not let water drain out properly. I’d love to see a picture of the inside of the locker from you or @HangOutdoors


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its a little long, but i might trim it down with dremmel. The hole didn't let all the water out either since it was higher than the low point. Once I figure out and finish the blower wiring I will review since it has been setup for week now.
its a little long, but i might trim it down with dremmel. The hole didn't let all the water out either since it was higher than the low point. Once I figure out and finish the blower wiring I will review since it has been setup for week now.
Could you get away with not using the nut? Is it a tight fit when installing? Just go with adhesive?
Christened her, and took the maiden voyage/break-in run.
I picked up mine from the Gelcoat repair shop. The damage that was done on my Maiden Voyage has now been repaired, and she is good as new. Now I can continue with my break in. (5 hrs)
Quick project before heading out on the water. Installed a stereo remote up in the bow, got tired of getting up to change station/volume when using XM.


Don't mind the dirty boat, I don't bother with the spring cleaning until the pollen mess is over.

Supplies needed:
Polk PRC200BC Wired Remote (Cheapest I found)
Polk PRCYC1 Y Cable (Also the cheapest)

Install is stupid easy. Unplug the remote wire from the back of your head unit in the helm, insert Y cable, and plug in old cable plus the new cable the comes with the remote. Drill a hole, align the remote, then secure with two philips stainless screws (you need to supply them). Tidy up the wire and you're back in business.
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Installed my Xintex gas/fume sensor. Relay was fun to hook up but it made sense in the end. Ask @HangOutdoors!

Swapped out the Cobras that came with the boat for JBP TV and LT
Interesting...Never heard of anyone doing that. Can you post your results. Love the feedback. Thx!
I know it's a bit unusual. I have nothing to really bash about the Cobra's besides some spray that seems to come from the cross bar but besides that they have worked well. The change was more to add the LT's, getting the boat to turn in reverse with wind is main improvement I am after. The Cobra system came with the boat, haven't driven the boat without a them system so it will be interesting to see the difference.
In the last week, I installed lateral thrusters from JBP, a secondary fuse box, a new dual USB port, a 12V and dual USB panel with power switch, depth sounder and a switch for it...and soon to be a new effing impeller because I sucked a rock up and jacked mine up.

One of these is definitely not like the others.

Maybe in the future for a fun project: getting Gatorstep. But, we'll see. That's a big pill to swallow.

by any chance, what size fuse did you use for USB charger?
Started the sound damping project
Added the clips for the shore spike, was able to find a sweet spot that allows the clean out plug to be removed with the spike installed
Added phone pockets to the helm (why is this not a factory option?)
Great storage idea for your spike!