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The official "What did you do to your jet boat today" thread.

Mounted trolling motor.

My bungee cords on my wakesurf racks were in bad shape as we started the season. I was growing concerned about one of them snapping. I ordered a replacement pair from Monster Tower and had time today to install them.


Soundproofing the engine compartment. I went with the rubber seal around the perimeter. Sounds (ha-ha) like it has the best ROI. The vertical sides were not done as it is so tight the insulation is crushed and worn off on the bottom so I have fiberglass touching fiberglass. I’ll add foam to “backfill” that. I’ll report back my experience.

what I used, from Lowe’s:
The cross section doesn’t match the picture on the packaging:
I started the engines, first year that I don’t have any to do projects before launch.

Though those phone holders look handy. Going to have order a couple.
With the craptastic weather here in Michigan I've added a few things to the boat waiting for boating weather.
I bought a Fortress FX-7 with new rope and a 15' stainless chain (take that Lake Michigan!).
I fixed the anchor locker drain the right way (thanks Yamaha...).
I added a decepticon sticker to the boat and an autobot sticker to the truck to up my street and lake cred...?
Lastly I installed a Garmin UHD 63cv Lakevu. I am holding off on the transducer for the moment. I really just want the navigation piece.


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Soundproofing the engine compartment. I went with the rubber seal around the perimeter. Sounds (ha-ha) like it has the best ROI. The vertical sides were not done as it is so tight the insulation is crushed and worn off on the bottom so I have fiberglass touching fiberglass. I’ll add foam to “backfill” that. I’ll report back my experience.
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what I used, from Lowe’s:
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The cross section doesn’t match the picture on the packaging:
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I'm really interested In how that works out for you.
Just had a fully packed Friday to Sunday on the water and off the water! Before the weekend started I uninstalled the old Wakeboard/Wakesurf racks that were slightly pitted from salt water damage and the bungee cords in bad shape also a few of the bars were bent on one of them (not sure how this happened as it was like this when I bought the boat). Got some new salt water resistant black racks from Monster Tower with swivel arm and installed them Friday afternoon. Salt water resistant will be nice for us but I will still spray them down with fresh water. Also the black racks I think look really good with this black and red boat. Friday night I installed the Bimini Top cover for the summer. Saturday and today we tubed in the afternoon and some cruising around. Then when we got done this afternoon I got it in the lift and went to town for about 3-4 hours. Went under the boat on the lift and gave it a full hull suds cleaning. Then flushed engines with salt away and did a full interior cleaning for hours including all seats cleaned and conditioned. The last picture below is it all buttoned up when I finished. Such an awesome looking boat inside and out. We love the new boat and are getting tons of amazing compliments about how bad a$$ it looks. This weekend was only 70 degrees and water temp 70-75. Next weekend looks to be mid 80’s and hoping water temp comes up even more and the girls and I can do some wake boarding and wake surfing. When I take the cover off next Friday it’s going to be so clean and ready to go fo another fun weekend. On a side note how much would be a fair price to sell my old OEM wakeboard racks for? I think Yamaha sells them for $600-$800 each new? These are a few years old one has a few bent arms but could prolly be bent back and both need new bungee cords. Both have some light salt water pitting from the last owner not spraying them off after use.


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Replaced USCG require flares ($25) + Type IV throwable life preserver/floatation device ($9). Wally-world had legit brand name items, and could inspect quality, and flares manufacture date (April this year).... so no sketchy Amazon resellers crap.
The new helm seat pedestal is on back order, so trying out Bottom Booster..haha. Its more comfortable than the bolster.

I am going to pump this product one more time. As an annual project for all of us with white hulls that have yellowed from the previous season.

It was so refreshing to pull three boats out of storage to find we took the time to wash them properly from end to end before storage. But alas, two had not had their hulls acid washed as it just got too cold, too quick.

So we acid washed the two Yamaha's in the group. And man, this stuff is flat out amazing. It was the perfect day for it too. Slight breeze kept the fumes down. And I used my fair share of disposable glove. Brushed it on and rinsed it off, shiny white hull again!

@biffdotorg Is this only for white hulls? or would this be beneficial to any color?

That's a really good question, as it just shows more dramatic change on the white hull. But yes, any hull will gather bio-grime. And you only know it's bio-grime when you use a product like this, as it literally melts away. No scrubbing at all.

So yes a black/blue will be very dingy or dark, and once this has been used, the true color will pop. It's not expensive, so a test can be done. On white, it's very dramatic, as it goes from yellowish/brown (depending on water) to bright white instantly. It's almost scary when applying it and gloves are not optional. Eye protection and a mask are suggested.

I did it the first year on a creeper, and about passed out as there was no wind. You wanna have a breeze or it burns your lungs.
Changed the oil and plugs. First time doing it myself! Some real-time pointers from @swatski saves the day.

Washed and waxed last weekend, marina service team installed trim tabs this past week, and I installed my SeaDek yesterday. Boat is now water ready and we will be taking our 2021 maiden voyage tomorrow. :)

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what is the sea deck color you went with and how close does it match the swim platform color? Just asking as I have the same boat.
I broke my steering wheel this weekend because there's no easy way to get that thing off. So while I wait for replacement parts I did a couple smaller projects like replacing the transom remote and much needed wire management.


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