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    free hit counter

The official "What did you do to your jet boat today" thread.

Do you have a link to those brackets?
Not my post, but these are what I bought.

Not my post, but these are what I bought.

Yes, those appear to be the ones. Beefy for sure. I feel confident it will not fall out on its own.
Ran engines in No-Wake mode without water for 80 seconds to dry out cooling systems.
First official wash and wax...


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After the wash and wax, started on the High Water Alarm install. I decided to put it next to me so it will blast my right ear. I can still use the cubby for storage. I also decided to put the 1A fuse holder there so I can disconnect the alarm quickly if needed. While under way in the boat, I ain't hearing that unless I mount it to my forehead. P.S. Only 2 of the 4 screws for the cubby actually screw into something. Great job Yamaha


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After saving my daughter and her fiance from a car totaling accident earlier today, I got the boat out of the barn to clean it up, As I sat down to rest I realized I was burning, and it was only 70 degrees. I thought to myself "how the shit am I gonna survive floating around on the lake when its 90 degrees with such a small bimini"?.. Then wheels started spinning.

First is the good side of the car after they were hit, spun, and hit and totaled 2 other cars. Thankfully everyone was uninjured.

Then my first attempts at making an additional sun shade. Wheels are still spinning. It is nothing more than a rain cover for a 6 or 8 person tent.

Hey that's nice. You're ready for camping too.
Hey that's nice. You're ready for camping too.
Thanks. We are trying to do it as cheap as possible. if all goes to plan, I will have less than $20 in PVC in it. Had the tent for 20 years, and the wife refuses to use it since I brought it with me from a previous marriage "I don't blame her" so the top is free.
A little late in posting this, but I took the gel-coat down with a wool pad on the Radial and heavy cutting compound and then followed up with 4-more passes with wool and the DA with foam and microfiber pads with three other compounds and polishes.
I had some deep gouges from a dock incident two years ago to get rid of, and the boat came out looking like glass!!!

We put the boat in last weekend and are ready for the water to warm up so we can start skiing :)

Beautiful family....the boat too
My Garmin Echomap Plus 44cv install. The depth finder was on the fritz so I yanked it and used the hole for my homemade mount.


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Wired in a bilge alarm. Removed the clean out tray and installed a float switch mounted on an aluminum bracket I made, mounted to OE plywood in bilge. Wired it to a switch mounted next to the horn that goes to a backup alarm (102db) mounted inside the helm. Put it on a switch to silence the alarm if needed, figure I’ll be stressed enough if it goes off, don’t need it to keep beeping as I’m figuring things out. Had a slight wiring hiccup but with the help of a couple forum wizards the issue was resolved.
While I was in the boat working mode I installed a drain plug light. Wired it into the stern light wiring and hopefully be able to water test it soon.
Washed and waxed last weekend, marina service team installed trim tabs this past week, and I installed my SeaDek yesterday. Boat is now water ready and we will be taking our 2021 maiden voyage tomorrow. :)




