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The official "What did you do to your jet boat today" thread.

what is the sea deck color you went with and how close does it match the swim platform color? Just asking as I have the same boat.

@johhnyboat It’s Terra over Black. I have Chocolate over Black on the swim deck which I’ll replace in the fall.
Terra over black is what i did in my 232 limited. It looked great and went with the tan/wht interior. Seems to hide the dirt pretty good too. A little better than the grey
Soundproofing the engine compartment. I went with the rubber seal around the perimeter. Sounds (ha-ha) like it has the best ROI. The vertical sides were not done as it is so tight the insulation is crushed and worn off on the bottom so I have fiberglass touching fiberglass. I’ll add foam to “backfill” that. I’ll report back my experience.
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what I used, from Lowe’s:
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The cross section doesn’t match the picture on the packaging:
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I like this idea, really interested on the outcome of the sound proofing
Leveled the trailer and measured the tongue weight at the coupler (400#, 7.5-8%) , put some grease in the wheel bearings, and lubed the leaf spring shackles.


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Dude, that needs a patent....how did you attach to the tower?
I notched it to go around the back of the bimini frame. I am going to install snaps to the bottom of the bimini frame on each side of the PVC, and straps on each side to keep it from coming out.20210518_195730.jpg
I notched it to go around the back of the bimini frame. I am going to install snaps to the bottom of the bimini frame on each side of the PVC, and straps on each side to keep it from coming out.View attachment 150530
Prepping like crazy for this upcoming JB Trip. We just upgraded from a 2019 SX210 to a 2018 242 LSE so a LOT needs to be done quickly.

Customized and installed a new FX-7 anchor and trashed the plastic yellow cone installing a new stoltz roller in it's place. The prior owner inexplicably snipped the factory trailer wiring harness and badly spliced in a flat 5 so I replaced the trailer harness with a curly cord and switched the jack to the drivers side to save time when hitching and unhitching.

Installed a second bilge pump and added the new Johnson Pumps High Water sensor/alarm to automatically drive it.

I also added the gas fume sensor/alarm which automatically turns on the blowers if it detects a dangerous situation starting to develop in the engine compartment.

I have my new custom made SS BBQ pole.

The sound system is terrible so we're also starting in on a JL sound system upgrade. Some of the parts have arrived, so I replaced the stock polk swim deck speakers with new JL M3-650's and wired those polks in as 2 new speakers at the center cockpit area until the rest of the speakers arrive. Added one of the two 10" MX10IB3-SG-TB 's, ran all new speaker wires, and wired for the JL LED speaker light control with inexpensive 16ga automotive waterproof quick-connects while waiting for the rest of our new JL M3-650X-S-Gm-i 's to arrive. The existing white lights and new speaker lights should eliminate any need for additional LED lighting for nighttime operation. Still working on the new amp layout support board and installation brackets for the new JL 800/8v2 and JL 600/1. I'll update with photos later when the project is further along.

Still installing a Standard Horizon GX1850 in it's temporary location at the Captain's cubbyhole, and will then de-install the VHF when we're back home since it won't help us in Mid-West lakes. Trying to work out the details on how to properly wire in the VHF sound system bypass module so I can actually hear VHF traffic while under way. I am designing it to play the VHF over the stereo system. When it detects VHF traffic on a monitored channel, it will mute the stereo signal to two sound system speakers in the mid cabin and instead play the VHF radio traffic. When the traffic is complete, the music will resume. VHF-U4 – Audio Interrupt . I really dislike all the viable location choices for mounting the 8' VHF antenna, but can't come up with anything better. It's likely that I will reluctantly have to mount the shakespeare base up front near the GPS antenna.

I'm hesitant and really dreading the installation of the transponder for the Garmin 94SV chartplotter because I don't want to make a mistake. All the other wiring for the chart plotter is complete and I interconnected it and the VHF to the NEMA2K system, but I really don't think it will buy me anything. I'm using a large RAM mount in the right corner of the instrument panel to support it. It's probably temporary too given the connext charts are good enough for our lakes, so I cut a small hidden hole in the top of the captains sidewall to make the installation completely disappear when the chart-plotter is removed. Photos later.

Oh, and we found a better indoor bed for the boat to protect it against the upcoming spring storms.

Photos attached.


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Now that’s @Bizywk....awesome
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We spent a very pleasant afternoon at a sandbar waiting for the tide to come in after running aground the same day as the EVERGIVEN, so I replaced the transducer. Stay in the channel I set it for five feet. I am tired of engine clogs.
We got our Bimini cover replaced so that it matches our boat. Also getting a tower cover to match the mooring cover. I can’t possibly say enough about the amazing job done by Parker’s Custom Canvas & awnings. They are efficient and you can’t go wrong with the price. Their customer service is top notch. They were very through in measurements and very upfront about everything. If you live in Florida and your looking to get something like this done or interior work. I highly recommend them. They work on all kinds of boats. Business card pictured below. Will post more pictures including the tower cover when we get the boat back.

Boring, but necessary projects. Stuff was getting rusted almost to the point of being inoperable.
