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The official "What did you do to your jet boat today" thread.

I’m going to make one before you patent it…
Did the ribbon delete on my 2020 AR190. Super easy job.
Not taking the boat out this weekend, going to be a mad house. I live in the Delta and the boats are lining up on the roads. Besides, I have to work this weekend. It will be my last. Retiring June 1. That being said, here is what I did to my boat today:
1. Installed the ARK mammoth beast. Fit perfectly. I will be installing 3" steel sleeves on the upper bolts to eliminate the gap.
2. Finished the install of the anchor locker fitting. Came out perfect. The fitting isn't perfectly flush with the nut because originally I wasn't going to use the rubber washer, then changed my mind. I'm happy with it. Yes, @drewkaree, I used 4200.
3. Started to assemble my Fortress FX-7 but 5:00 came, and it's soda time
Be safe out there you weekend warriors.


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Finished installing fixed VHF radio and noco genius 10x2. I will install the GP1 plug tomorrow I figured I will sleep on it 1 night to decide if I’m really drilling a big hole in the hull lol
If there is a cup holder nearby consider putting the charging port in there instead. You will still need to do some cutting but not the hull and it’s cheap to replace / reverse if necessary.
If there is a cup holder nearby consider putting the charging port in there instead. You will still need to do some cutting but not the hull and it’s cheap to replace / reverse if necessary.
Thank you Ronnie I will check if there's any cup holder near it, also I was planning to install it about a foot next to the Gas fill cap. It is a weak point in the hull that could get water intrusion, whats another hole of the same size gonna do lol.
That big ass fuel line running through the battery compartment would make me nervous.
Yea and its above the charger too lol, but thats the only space I can find or I need to macgyver a custom stand for the noco charger. Since I'm only charging it at home when I'm not in the boat, I'm not too worried about it. Any smell of gas, I will inspect before plugging in the charger though lol.
@fatboyroy mine is mounted in my starboard storage, cables are long enough to reach port battery area.
Did you drill a hole in your hole to plug the Noco using GP1? I think im doing it tomorrow I already have the GP1 plug.

why not put the extension cord under the seat and close it? That’s what I do
No big deal, but stopped by on the way to work to take some measurements on the sleeve spacers for the upper bolts. Added an eye bolt on the extra hole in the mounting bracket for the chains. Scupper valve is next, and that will be a wrap on the “Break Out Another Thou” for this season.


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Finally finished the Seadek install. The hydroturf on the swim platform was a royal pain. Hours spent on that as it came off in small pieces only. The best method for me in the end was the one that involved a blow torch to heat a metal scraper...then the eraser wheel attached to a heavy duty corded drill to remove anything left.

I also upgraded the speakers last week. Next step is a new head unit and amp.


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So got my new trailer jack installed on Thursday...love it and worth every penny! And my helper ?


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@Skozzy1 He will be piloting the boat in just a few years.

oh he likes “steerig“ now his little brother, my 21 month old is the one that”has” to be sitting on daddy’s lap and driving ?